Hex Hatch in Pa?



Dec 22, 2016
I was on the First Fork of the Sinnemahoning this past Saturday. The variety of bugs on the water was impressive. Sulphers, Coffin Flies (very sparse), Green Drakes, and an occasional really big (Size #8) yellow mayfly. Sporadic, but around a good part of the afternoon. Is it possible that it was Hexagenia? Unfortunately I didn't take a photos, and now I wish I would have. It seemed that the fish would take them when they saw them.....
It's possible, but a bit early for them.
yeah, too early. They are a summer hatch. Sometimes when I'm watching the Pirates embarass themselves, the camera person will mercifully distract the audience by focusing on a Hex resting on a wall. When I take a break on a smallie float in the Allegheny, I dig some out of the river mud. They're very impressive creatures.
yes, PA has plenty of hexes. Massive, pick up on radar, cause car crash type hatches throughout the Allegheny drainage and Susquehanna too.

I think its more likely a yellow drake considering location and timing, though. Ephemera Varia. (not to be confused with ephemerella invaria).