Heron Rant



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
After my controversial Kayak Rant was posted, the yakkers have hired an assassin. Last night i was fishing the cahill hatch on the breeches. i was not doing all that great until it got dark. i finally hooked a trout and out the shadows a heron flew out not once but twice to steal my catch. After much commotion the avian assaulter remained and refused to leave the vicinity. Anyone else have a similar experience with a heron?
As much as we may disagree in theory on the kayak topic, I'm with you here. They're jerks.

Nothing worse when fishing a small stream than to find a Heron. (Other than another angler maybe). It'll keep spooking, squawk and fly about 100 yards at a time upstream of you, spooking all of the already spooky fish in that entire section in the process. When this happens you gotta just bite the bullet and sacrifice a good 1/4 mile or so of stream...quarter away from the stream into the woods and quarter back upstream of it.
Depends on your fishing background. For me, herons are a good omen and are always welcome.

Plus I like water birds.
I think he's talking about one flying over to you while landing a fish, and moving in to grab it. That has happened to me just once, with a youngish heron. Still, those beaks and talons are fairly formidable, and I would not want to have to tangle with one for long if waving my arms and growling at it did not get it to back off.
I have never had an issue with heron and am always glad to see them. They always move off and have never felt they were "eyeing" my catch. Now dragonfly's trying to steal my fly mid air can be an issue some years , that or swallows swooping in while casting.
As discussed numerous times on here, the Tulpehocken is over run with the darn things. No idea how many trout they clean out of their but they have to get their share. I've never seen one try to grab a fish away from a fisherman.
Ironically, I own and fish out of a Old Town Heron 9XT kayak. Double dose of hate right there, eh?

Seriously though, I have come to quite a few streams where those herons hang out, but seldom have issues with them for whatever reason. On the other hand, when the water is low at one particular spot, you can see trout with huge, red scars on their back from close calls with those birds. Obviously, they are taking their cut of the fish population.

Tully herons will actually help you choose a fly out of your box. They are numb to human interaction and won't hesitate to try and steal a hooked fish. Tossing a few small stones in the water near them does nothing to chase them off. If anything, the splashing gets their interest.

Pretty? Sure. Annoying as hell with their squawking and shenanigans? Absolutely. Every have one dump on or near you while Fishing? It's like someone poured a quart of whitewash in the water.
Worse yet...what if one had a blue kayak with a heron face decal on the sides like the old WWII planes :)

Also in all seriousness, while I have not had any issues with a heron while fishing, I do have one that once a year clears out my goldfish pond of fish. Literally I have to run out into the yard after him...one day I watched him eat about a half a dozen large goldfish before a could get to him.

But as others say, herons are supposedly a symbol of good luck.

BTW, the OP's avatar says it all LOL :)
Last year while I was launching my yak at Chambers Lake a father and little tyke were fishing off the dock and feeding the small sunnies they were catching to a heron who knew a good thing when it saw it.
Other than have one almost decapitate me by flying head height down a stream at dusk before seeing me and moving up at the last minute, no issues however...

I've learned a lot about wading stealth watching Great Blues & Greens fish...seriously!

What they taught me is move your legs but keep your upper body as motionless as possible when trying to sneak up on a fish.

BTW - I hate Canada Geese with a passion. Could we have a "Canada Goose Rant" next please and I'll start it by saying its Canada Goose or Canada Geese, NOT Canadian Geese.
I have a strong hatred for ducks
Years ago I was fishing the Heritage section on the Little Lehigh and as a gentleman on the opposite bank brought his catch to hand and was releasing it, a heron came from behind and took the fish and flew away with it in its beak. Just one of the unusual things I have seen while on the water.
Personally, I am a rock thrower. Did it several times just yesterday during the trico hatch. I get the rock close enough to make them fly off and squawk at me as they do so.
Never had much trouble with herons , but merganser's...
Nothing worse than rounding the bend approaching your favorite run and have mamma merganser do the crippled flopping thing right up the middle of the run with a dozen little ones in tow.
giantsjim wrote:
Personally, I am a rock thrower. Did it several times just yesterday during the trico hatch.
There are some geese at a local haunt that know me so well that they scatter when they see me reach down to pick up a rock. Of course I throw at them anyway just to keep them on their webbed little toes.

steveo27 wrote:
I have a strong hatred for ducks
I once caught a duckling on a Trico that dashed over and grabbed my fly before I knew it. Hooked the little $%$@*! right in the tongue.

He put up a good fight but I had to bring him in to release him. Mom was a bit upset, but he swam off OK.

I hate ducks too and eat duck whenever it is on a restaurant menu to get even.
That heron at chambers lake almost stole a bass right off my line. He was super aggressive and only turned away when i rushed him. Even then he just stood there and looked at me, waiting for me to unhook the bass.
I had a Heron at the Yough fly up and walk within 50 feet or so. I was catching trout hand over fist at the time. I started a conversation with him, to which he just twitched a little. Then I caught my next fish and he asked if I was going to release this one too. I said "Yeah," and I did and he just ****ed his head to the side in bewilderment. This was repeated several more times before he shook his head and flew away. He never tried to challenge me, because as I released each fish, I told him I'd give him the next one.
I forgot or mis-remembered that he didn't just fly away. He flew to the other side and perched just above my golden run where I was catching the fish. He got his revenge as the action stopped until he did actually fly away....

So, yeah, jerks.

PS the Herons were on my paper route as a kid and they were nice and decent tippers.

Never had anything try to get a trout I have hooked and am fighting other then just a musky one time on bald eagle.
Swattie87 wrote:
Nothing worse when fishing a small stream than to find a Heron. (Other than another angler maybe). It'll keep spooking, squawk and fly about 100 yards at a time upstream of you, spooking all of the already spooky fish in that entire section in the process. When this happens you gotta just bite the bullet and sacrifice a good 1/4 mile or so of stream...quarter away from the stream into the woods and quarter back upstream of it.
This describes perfectly a couple of encounters I've had with Herons. Your solution is exactly what has to be done, you have to get upstream of them or you're pissing in the wind. I enjoy seeing them, but not ahead of me on a stream.