
Don't fear the dries. Red quill and Hendrickson describe the same fly and are not difficult to tie, size twelve , usually, cut the bottom flush to imitate the spinner.
I saw a ton of these hatching last week in berks county


...they are under the hendrickson page at troutnut.com so are they a hendrickson? a size 14 bwo did the trick...

govtmule wrote:
I saw a ton of these hatching last week in berks county


...[color=CC0000]they are under the hendrickson page at troutnut.com so are they a hendrickson? [/color]a size 14 bwo did the trick...


Drunella are called (by anglers) BWOs. The are in the same "family" (Ephemerellidae) as the hendricksons. The common names of insects in the Ephemerellidae family are:

Hendricksons, Sulphurs, PMDs, & BWOs

Look in the right margin of the Troutnut page on the link.
ahhh.......these were some fat bwo's i tell you...thanks Afish...
Anybody else use moose mane instead of actual quills a lot easier to work with.
I use moose mane for my Quill Gordons sometimes. For Red Quills, I long ago gave up on using brown rooster quills. I bought a few ounces of turkey flats from Feather-Craft, and bleach the fibers off then dye them reddish brown. They are 10 times tougher then rooster quills. I can do up a lifetime supply in about 30 minutes. They are a little thicker then rooster quills and make a real nice tapered body with better segmentation.
parachute adams size 12-14....pair that with a natural copper john and you will catch fish all day...
after watching the number of cripples float by fro this hatch, for the last two years I have tied and almost all I have used used is a Hendrickson cripple pattern

size 14 dry fly hook

hedrickson turkey biot (mahagony for the red quill)

brown antron or zelon shuck with some lemon wood duck tails mixed in ( can tie with or with out the tails)

CDC wing tilted forward and trimmed same height as hackles

medium dun hackle clipped in the bottom even with the hook

Hondo, Thats the best pattern posted here so far...After spending the last few days on the Upper Delware and catching some nice fish I would have to say cripples are the way to go! Some one mentioned sizes 12', where in the heck do you see size 12's?
Size 14 adams parachute works fine for me on Penns. Also works for BWO's in the right size.
Guys- The males are smaller and the darker color. The females are a size larger, and pinkish in color. I did very well on Penns with a size 14 emerger, snow shoe wing, antron shuck (brown) and dark brown segmented body. They gobbled it up.
my main hendrickson is 3906 0r 3399 with grey thread,dun hackle tail,no rib,pink rabbit mixed with muskrat dubbed body,dun hackle,mallard dyed wood duck wing.i usually only tye them in 14.

my quill gordons are made with stripped peacock over black thread.i tye a variation where you tye the quill and tail in with pink thread then swich to black for the head.

i use a dark cahill(tyed with gray sow-scud rather than muskrat) if they don't hit pinkies.