
marcq wrote:
Are you using any split shot? Now you need to be close to the bottom of not bouncing off it. Since your new use an indicator.

When fishing tandems the best way is to cast up stream mend your line anf let it go all the way down stream till your line straightens out then just lob it up stream again.

Hint fish just above the covered bridge right where the stream comes in.

I am using size BB weight. I was at French Creek Outfitters and the guy there told me that is what he and his fishing buddies use. I was using a strike indicator, but it was sinking with my line. I believe it was a mini fish pimp. I took it off because like I said it was sinking.

are you talking about the small bridge that you walk in on or are you talking about the bridge on 29 that the cars drive over?
Try thingamabobber they mess up the top of you leader but the are the best strike indicators. Right at the bottom of the fly fishing only section. You look up and there is some riffles. Its loaded with fish.
If you guys need some help I can show you just let me know if you want to meet up.
thanks to all who gave me help. I got my first trout this weekend, it got me hooked on fly fishing... caught 3 total!!