Help with waders

Pretty sure it's gonna be a repairable pinhole, but I'll keep you posted.

I intended on making these my big water waders and using the old Beans to beat on. But a few weeks back I had to go to work on a weekend. Knew there was a possibility of having a little downtime, and then having to return to work. Threw them in the car, and not the Beans, with plans on just hitting the Tully to kill some time.

It all worked out, cept the Tully was raging. So I headed north to hit a small stream with easy access. Got there, and suprise! There was Swattie; he had beaten me to it. And da Fox was reportedly stalking about at the next access upstream. Jeesh, this forum.... However, Swattie had this great idea to try a different small stream nearby, dat da Dog had reported on. Foxes and dogs, oh my. We tag teamed it and had an enjoyable day, though this stream was small and overgrown, with some briars and brushpiles and other fun obstacles.

Well, last weekend was my first outing since that one. This one was more of the type where you're wading above the knee for an extended time. And that's when I noticed the leak, just a little solid wet spot on my pants knee. So I'm guessing I got a little briar poke on that last outing, on account of our obstacles.
Yeah...Sorry about that!
haha. Well, I talked that one over with Scott, and he's fished it before, but been a few years. He said we quit too early. It levels out, as we saw, and then gets steep again, and thats where the biggest holes are. Probably the ones da Dog mentioned.

That first hole where you got the one fish. He also mentioned that little one and said he caught 18 in that hole alone once.
Good to time I'm just gonna take the trail up to where it levels out and start from there though!
I have about 10 outings on my G3's. I'm knocking on wood as I type this.
Let me know and I'll guide, sorta. Da Fox and the Hound know the pools!
I can't wait to get back out there again! With the 4 of us we should be able to knock out a few miles in an outing.