Help with Posting snd Including a Picture



Jan 28, 2007
I am trying to post a message with a picture but cannot reduce the size of the picture. I have been trying to use PhotoImpactPro but to no avial. I cannot get the picture down to 200K or less what the forum will allow. Any help is appreciated. Tools, techniques??
Just use microsof paint and reszie the photo to abou 50% of the original size....that should do it if it is a normal size resolution.
When directly attaching photos to the site, I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager and compress them for "web pages."

More often though I'll upload the pics to Photobucket and just copy and paste the IMG(but just make sure you change the IMG to lowercase img). You can also copy the "direct link" and use the photo button when you go to make a post.
What about from a mac? I cant seem to figure it out, without linking everything on photobucket, which would not be appropriate.
Any help?
I find its easiest to upload you pictures online somewhere else - like Google plus or photo bucket or something. Then you can just put in the url of the image and can post it at full size.
Thanks, Ima try it here, hope i can delete

arrrgghh, dint work

should I attach the url to the attach file section?
You could also look through here: for some help.