Help with microfibets.



Nov 18, 2012
Hello all, my dilema is that I really can't seem to get microfibets to look right on dry flies. The flies I'm tying specifically are deer hair comparaduns in sizes 14 and 16. I've tried a couple things like a dubbing ball at the end of the fly, but to no avail. Any help is appreciated!
Yes, they are slippery little devils aren't they? Are you putting a thread base on the hook before tying in the fibets? ( this will help to keep them from slipping a little)Once tied in you can split them with the thread. Once you have the fibers tied in bring the thread up on the near side to you of the hook come up through the fibers wrap over and around the far side of the hook bring thread around and over to the far side of the hook and down through the tailing again then up and over. This will take some practice to master, take an evening and tie in just tails watch what you are doing and how the material reacts to how you work the thread. I hope I wrote this in a way it makes some sort of sense and you can get it, it's kind of difficult to explain much better to show.
^^^ What he said......

Practicing this is why I get told not to use the cut-off fibbets, but it helps me get a handle on getting them in place correctly.
There's a better way....

This step by step shows how to split 3 fibbets, but you can do 2 (or more) the same way.

Another way is to leave a long tag of thread at the rear of the fly, and bring that up between the fibbets to split them.

Link to step by step.
First couple of times I tried, I was tempted to get out the staple gun and duct tape!

No comments on the qualitiy of my ties for that comment Ed
Yes, very good Ed. That method did not come to mind, I've seen that before but have never tried it. Funny how easy it is to get locked into old habits.
That's a cool way to do 3 when I do 2 I leave my tag on when I start the thread tie in a pair and pull the tag end between the pair and tie down the the thread n bobbing
I have started using this method with pretty good results. Just make sure to keep your thread tight once you start wrapping over the waste end.
one key no matter what method you use to split the microfibbets is to be sure to keep them on the top of the hook when you tie them in.....if they slide off to the sides and you lock them in then it won't mattter what method you use to split them the tails will be off axis
I use the same method with the tag end of tying thread. Works and is very easy.
zfisher wrote:
Hello all, my dilema is that I really can't seem to get microfibets to look right on dry flies. The flies I'm tying specifically are deer hair comparaduns in sizes 14 and 16. I've tried a couple things like a dubbing ball at the end of the fly, but to no avail. Any help is appreciated!

Don't use microfibets, use cdc instead, a lot easier :)
BradFromPotter wrote:
zfisher wrote:
Hello all, my dilema is that I really can't seem to get microfibets to look right on dry flies. The flies I'm tying specifically are deer hair comparaduns in sizes 14 and 16. I've tried a couple things like a dubbing ball at the end of the fly, but to no avail. Any help is appreciated!

Don't use microfibets, use cdc instead, a lot easier :)

Pics for us newbies?
I couldn't agree more with what everyone said, one little trick I found to make them less slippery is to space out my thread turns, it gives the material extra traction if you will to grab on to, really shines when tying on materials such as microfibs.
Thanks, that really helped. I think I've got it down more now then I did before, and now they actually look half decent.

Thanks for the responses guys, They've all helped.
I meant to spread out the wraps on thread base, since I wasn't really clear. It's the first thing I do on slippery materials, works wonders with grip.
djs12354 wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
zfisher wrote:
Hello all, my dilema is that I really can't seem to get microfibets to look right on dry flies. The flies I'm tying specifically are deer hair comparaduns in sizes 14 and 16. I've tried a couple things like a dubbing ball at the end of the fly, but to no avail. Any help is appreciated!

Don't use microfibets, use cdc instead, a lot easier :)

Pics for us newbies?

Brad is probably suggesting Coq de Leon, the usefull CDC:) And he is right. I don't know why people wast time with fibetts. The fibers of the coq de Leon feathers make beautiful realistic tails. The fibers are mottled and come in a variety of shades. They are stiff and glassy but have much more give than fibets. I use coq de Leon tailing on all of my mayflys except Wulff patterns.
On the original question, the method I use is to split tails is to tie in the tails one at a time at the angle I want them. I place a small bump of thread at the tie in point to **** the tail up, but the spread comes from the angle I use to tie them in. It is a bit more fussy at first, but I can do this very quckly now and don't have any extra bulk from dubbing balls or thread wraps used to split.
I'm curious as to what the CDC tail looks like and how to tie it in. Never seen it before.
paparise wrote:
I'm curious as to what the CDC tail looks like and how to tie it in. Never seen it before.

I was kidding about the CDC, and I'm not sure if Brad was serious or not, but CDC would not make a very good fibett replacement. CDL on the other hand does work very well.
Here is a bunch of information on the feathers and roosters:
You can buy packs of feathers from any of the online suppliers. If you decide that you like the material, a cape is a much better deal.
Here is an example of the type of feather used (from the above web page). You just snip off fibers and tie them in like you would a hackle fiber tail. On some patterns I use just 1 or 2 fibers on a side to make split tails, The fibers are very stiff and glassy, so you don't need a lot.

And here is a sulphur quill tied using CDL (sorry, I don't have any split tail photos):

If any new tyers want to try CDL PM me and I'll send you a couple of feathers.
^^THAT is a nice looking dry^^