Help with Materials for this Fly Please

Domestic hen is NOT a good sub for partridge or mallard. Hen clumps when submerged and partridge and mallard splay when submerged.

Just cause it looks the same in your hand doesnt make it the same.

BUT im sure the hen will catch fish just fine.

Check out my latest blog post if you want a good source for premo partridge skins. You can score them pretty cheap and hands down there the best i have ever used, and im a partridge nut.
Thanks Again Guys. I have all the required materials. However, I will be substituting pearl flashabou for the rib. With everything else, I'm good.
I appreciate all the input.
It is interesting (at least to me) that the body on pupal/pharate/emerging caddis doesn't typically look all that "buggy" (at least to me). There is no question that the buggy dubbed flies work well, but I have also had good luck with smooth bodies made of floss or spanflex. There are a lot of classic caddis patterns that use floss or latex bodies. I wonder if that might be why the tyer dubbed this fly so tight.
I looked it up, it is dubbed, but the is ribbing of the dubbing. The wings and tail are natural mallard flank. They used light cahill dubbing for this, but yours apparently has green caddis or olive dubbing. Keepin mind the nymph of caddis are worms, they pupae aresorta a nymph worm hybrid.
Hook: Daiichi 1120 #8-16
Weight: Gold Bead
Thread: Danville Black 6/0
Body: Haretron, Light Cahill
Ribbing: Pearl Flashabou
Tail: Natural Mallard Flank Fibers
Hackle: Natural Mallard Flank Fibers
Head: Peacock Herl

Oh good, can we go there?


It always bothered me that they were Klingon Birds of Prey and not Romulan Birds of Prey, because somehow the bird motif is far more fitting for the Romulan Empire and not the Klingons.

That's how I roll. I believe in another thread I've also recently invoked Star Fleet Prime Directive.
