Help with Materials for this Fly Please



Active member
Feb 17, 2011
This B.O.P. Caddis has become a favorite and I would like to take a shot at tying it instead of buying them. However, I am a fairly new tier, and I need a little help identifying the materials. I can handle the "HOW" part, it's just the materials with which I am struggling. Here's what I have; scud hook, tungsten gold bead, and that's it. I don't know the type of dubbing, rib, tail feathers (maybe wood duck flank?), wing feathers (not sure if that's the right term), and herl (not sure if I used that term correctly either).

If you have an inclination as to the materials, any help is appreciated.



  • bird of prey caddis.jpg
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At second look, It appears that there is no dubbing, just olive thread... maybe...
Yeah I would guess partridge for the tail and such, olive dubbing, blue floss, peacock herl.
I would say partridge tail and soft hackle. I would say the rib is opal tinsel.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Yeah I would guess partridge for the tail and such, olive dubbing, blue floss, peacock herl.

Do you think the body is dubbed? I was thinking maybe it was just built up with thread. I can't really tell well enough to say definitively.
Its partridge.
Its opalescent mylar for the rib.
Its dubbing, note the one lone hair sticking out. Its been wound super tightly. It doesn't have to be.
Yes its dubbing. I've seen them w/ the dubbing all bushy like.
Thanks Guys!

So I've got a recipe.

Scud hook
Gold bead
Olive thread
Olive dubbing
opalescent mylar ribbing
partridge tail
partridge soft hackle
peackock herl

Excellent. Thanks again!
Google FTW
That's cheating.
I never new a partridge was a bird of prey..... I like the tco article how it says to tie a more realistic caddis pattern.... I never saw a caddis with a tail.
give him a call and tell him he's dumb then. (814) 689-3654.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
I never new a partridge was a bird of prey..... I like the tco article how it says to tie a more realistic caddis pattern.... I never saw a caddis with a tail.

I've always thought the same thing. That pattern works better tied without the tail and with a cdc collar instead of the partridge.
RowJimmy wrote:
JohnnyUtah wrote:
I never new a partridge was a bird of prey..... I like the tco article how it says to tie a more realistic caddis pattern.... I never saw a caddis with a tail.

I've always thought the same thing. That pattern works better tied without the tail and with a cdc collar instead of the partridge.

That's your mantra, amirite? Let's call it a trailing shuck?

I would note that calling Paul would be kind of ****ish given that he did not "invent" the BOP, rather it is his interpretation. But it would be funny as you have a good shot of catching him hung over and I am sure he would have no problem letting you know what he thought of your opinion.

It may very well be a light partridge. The barring looks more consistent with partridge. And I have no idea why the dubbing is laid in that tight. That body should be buggy, like the TCO pic.
RowJimmy wrote:
I've always thought the same thing. That pattern works better tied without the tail and with a cdc collar instead of the partridge.

I like to double collars up with partridge and cdc. I do a under collar of cdc and then front collar of partridge.
jdaddy wrote:
That's your mantra, amirite? Let's call it a trailing shuck?

I'm tired of CDC being jammed into everything. There. I said it.

jdaddy wrote:
I would note that calling Paul would be kind of ****ish given that he did not "invent" the BOP, rather it is his interpretation. But it would be funny as you have a good shot of catching him hung over and I am sure he would have no problem letting you know what he thought of your opinion.

See, these are the things that make comedy happen. We wouldn't be there, we would probably never even hear about it, but we oculd construct events in our mind to be as good as they should have been.

Do not ruin my parade.

jdaddy wrote:
It may very well be a light partridge.

Cheater lookd it up, and it is. You should've bought that partirdge skin from FFP. They wanted you to buy that skin.

I have a catalogue if you need to look it up.

And, in nerdly summation, I do believe its Bird of Prey as in the Klingon class of starships.
Reguardless if it is partridge or mallard...either will work.

If you only have one of those materials just sub it in. If you don't have that specific ribbing material, use whatever you do have.
Ya, agreed. I have a hard time getting creative and substituting stuff. Given Zen is new I assume he has nothing and will have to get it all anyway. Get a partridge skin. Gary knows where to get one.

Its easy to sub, "its soft and its got some marking on it in recipe...and this thing in my bag does too? Substitute found!"

That Whiting hen scraps bag was an awesome $10 investment.

However, a partridge skin is a good thing to have. Buy one. Don't spend more than $20 on it, though. I'm looking at you, TCO.