help with flies



May 4, 2016
Hi all...

I have never fly fished, but have lucked into some gear and am getting ready to go for the first time.

I've already found a ton of great info on this site, and I've started a notebook and would like to identify the flies I have, even just get a sense at basic level (I have done some Googling). The person who made & bought the flies did label things clearly (I think?), but it is a bit overwhelming as to where to start.

Anyone care to tell me what you see (sorry if I've messed up posting photos)?

A box with flies labeled "CDC" that I know means cul de canard, dry flies:


A box labeled Trico, and flies are labeled "dun" and "spinner."


And finally, a box labeled Nymphs, but no other info inside other than to say they are weighted.


Oh Good Lord. That's a helluva nice looking stash you got there.

I see most of the basic nymphs: prince johns, pheasant tails, hare's ears, all in different sizes and colors.

If you can sort and organize those three kinds, you'll have about 60% of the box figured out.
Thanks for the clue! I'll have to learn which is which...

Here's a pic of the CDC box:


And a pic of the Trico box:

You are very fortunate. You are pretty much set for nymphs.

I don't know where you are from. My best advice is to buddy up with someone from here in person to get a better description for what they are and how to use etc.
Trying to explain that online by saying which box and row would be pretty tough.
I've been buying lots of flies over my two years, and that's the biggest stash I've seen!
If you were gonna buy flys you got $400 worth right there. You should be able to catch fish
Wildbrowntrout wrote:
I've been buying lots of flies over my two years, and that's the biggest stash I've seen!

Hang in there a few more years and your eyes will be opened even more. Flies are like the material they are tied from - they just seem to propagate and before you know it, you will have to have organizers for your organizers, and you'll be buying duplicates or triplicates because you forgot you already had a dozen of such and such a fly :)
That looks like a fairly comprehensive selection of nymphs. You may want to add some golden stones at some point. That's the biggest gap I see but you should have no problem finding something the fish will eat from those boxes. The most important thing is to put it in front of them.

You'll want to add some dries to your selection but you can do that as you go along. To get a start, few Adams (14, 16, 18) and some Light Cahill's and/or sulphurs in the same sizes would put you in pretty good shape when the mayflies are the food of choice.
ROVERT wrote:
That looks like a fairly comprehensive selection of nymphs. You may want to add some golden stones at some point. That's the biggest gap I see but you should have no problem finding something the fish will eat from those boxes. The most important thing is to put it in front of them.

You'll want to add some dries to your selection but you can do that as you go along. To get a start, few Adams (14, 16, 18) and some Light Cahill's and/or sulphurs in the same sizes would put you in pretty good shape when the mayflies are the food of choice.

Thanks ROVERT. Good stuff.