Help, if you can

Is there any way to find out if they are going tongi through with stocking tomorrow?
I had spring break this week..........and decided to spend most of it being a truck chaser of all things. And of course, I did a little fishing throughout the week as well for stockies, steelies, wild brownies, and toothies. The pike eluded me though.

Helped stock a bunch of streams throughout NW PA. Lots of people out helping each time. Dads with their kids, local retired guys, a couple groups from local schools..........and then you got the people who just follow the trucks and never get out of their vehicles. Some days/streams were worse than others. Yesterday and today I think just about all of them at least got out of their vehicles and observed. Of course, there were more people than buckets. By the end of the day(s) the crowds thinned out but there were always a good handful of people who stuck it out until the end.

People ranged from your typical opening day catch 'em and rope 'em type, to TU members passionate about the sport and conservation. I bet many of these people think that all trout come from the white truck hatch......but I talked to a few who love fishing for wild trout.

Fun to lend a hand. Some of the streams I have fished before, and others were new to me.....and who knows if I'll ever fish them. Cool to see exactly how the stockings are done on each stream and where the fish are dumped. Very cool to having guys spread the fish out with ATVs and trucks........I've stocked a handful of times before but this week is the first time I've seen this. So ALL the fish don't go into the bridge hole ;-)