Hello fellow fishers


Mar 26, 2022
Jefferson Co.
I'm Joe from Akron, OH. I have a camp between Brookville and Cook Forest in Jefferson Co. I'm fairly new to trout fishing. I'm a catch and release fisherman who just loves to fish for the solitude. I stop by Volant (Neshannock Cr.) on my way to camp. I call what I do "practice". sometimes I catch a fish. But I love learning how to become a more experienced flyfisherman. I attended a school in Bradford, Kinzua Fly Fishing School, a few years ago and got totally hooked on this sport. I look forward to reading and learning from this site. Thanks for having me.
Only for a couple years now. Golf has always been my main hobby, but I like to get out on the local streams when I have the chance.
Welcome ,both of you, it's good to see new blood in the sport. GG
I fished the Clarion/ Sigel area a long time back, I'd bet some of those cricks have a few good ones in them. GG
This is my first year of doing research and focusing on fishing the area streams. I did catch a couple in Brookville's Fly Zone a couple of weeks ago. Although, I do have a question; I'm sure it has to do with the particular stream, but generally, are the small creeks and streams worth fishing for holdovers and natives or should I chase the stocking truck around?
Mill creek runs pretty close to Sigel. That was my go to. Mostly stocked water but is a nice stream. There are some brookies up stream farther. Redbank creek is SE of you and Clear Creek to the north all have trout. None of these are secrets by any means but they're where I fished in college when I was learning to fly fish. I'm sure somethings have changed since 1985 but...
Thanks for your advice. I did catch a fish in Little Toby last year. I'll check out Mill Creek. I drove to the ramp to scout it out for launching a boat in the Clarion a couple of years ago.
I can PM you a list if you'd like.GG
Mill creek runs pretty close to Sigel. That was my go to. Mostly stocked water but is a nice stream. There are some brookies up stream farther. Redbank creek is SE of you and Clear Creek to the north all have trout. None of these are secrets by any means but they're where I fished in college when I was learning to fly fish. I'm sure somethings have changed since 1985 but...
I did check out Mill Creek on my way home last week. I will be fishing that stream very soon. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let you know how I do.