Hell Run Carbon/Monroe Co's



Dec 28, 2006
Went over Hell Run sunday while out fishing.This is a Class B stream as I recall.Not a pretty picture.


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Appropriately named...and it's Hell CREEK.

I fished it with water in it but there is SO much rhododendron that it is hell to fish anytime.

FYI - Avoid it like the plague during hunting season unless you have LOTS of blaze orange on.
Hell Run is in Lawrence County. Trib of Slippery Rock Creek.
The devil has several abodes in pa. A run, a creek, and a hole for sure.
If that's the road crossing I think it is, the stream is split there and there's a second culvert just down the road. I doubt it's totally dry, and my guess is it's just only flowing down the other channel.

Fished it once, but won't again. It's got fish, but it's a rhodo tunnel.
I agree with swatties comments ... from memory its braided at the road and the bigger braid is further east.... hopefully this is the smaller one further west,,,, serious rhodo yeah
I've fished this stream several times before.I know it's braided,one of the channels was bone dry and the others had next to no water.These pics are the main stream at the bridge.I would hope the trout moved down to the lake.
Where the stream is in multiple channels the water is probably flowing down into deep sediments, which is why the channel is dry or nearly so.

There is probably water flowing further upstream, where the water is flowing over bedrock, or just a thin layer of cobble and gravel overlying the bedrock.

And there are probably brookies still in the pools up there.

If you look at the topo map on AcmeMapper you see that the stream cuts through a ridge, then flows out into a broad valley. Here the stream dumped a lot of sediment as the slope decreases and the valley widens. The water is flowing under that sediment.

hi vealboy didnt notice that the first post was from you! that stream dry or almost dry in all braids at the road does seem bad.
bikerfish wrote:

Were still not allowed to talk about it!
About halfway up the stream there should be water.Up near the headwaters there's a small trib that has a small spring on it.This is the first time I've seen this stream bone dry.I've been able to find fishable water all summer in spite of the lack of rain.Hi Bob,how's it going?
I'm great... haven't been up that road in a while. Got the feeling that brown trout might be taking over :)
John, During one of the more recent Hurricanes, I think the Irene storm, the creek jumped the channel because of a blockage and was all torn up. How far up did you hike?
Contrary to what others say, I like the Rhodo tunnels. They keep other anglers from fishing it.
BTW, I've fished both Hells and the Hole, but I haven't fished Devils Elbow yet.
Chaz,I didn't go up very far,I try to fish here a few times every year.But not this year so far,I'm sure there's flowing water up above the next dirt road crossing.But why stress the fish?I love rhodo too,some of my biggest fish have come from overhanging rhodo.Two more pics from the same spot two weeks ago.


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Area has catskill bedrock, it buffers acidity better than the geology of some mountain streams..... could be more bugs and also more browns than some similar streams would have?
The stream jumped out of the old bed into what was probably an old flood channel. This was just a little below the upper bridge. When I was there, there was still a log jam blocking the new old channel, not to be confused with the old channel.