Helicopter and the Susky



Active member
Feb 23, 2009
I saw a helicopter spraying the river a few days ago. It was just north of the Route 30 bridge early AM.

I was pretty far away, on the old bridge. I didn't get a good look at what it was doing.

Black Flys/Stocking/Peeing/Maybe it wasn't spraying and I need better glasses?
It's spraying for blackflies. They're doing this on several watersheds in the area right now.
Has anyone out there been sprayed while fishing I have been.Didnt like it but still alive I think. FLYFISHING ZOMBIE.
I have no evidence but "NAG" (neighbors against gnats) sprayings started back in early 80's maybe?? Isn't that somewhere around the same time the fishery started its free fall? Just something that popped into my head. I think the river was pretty high last April which pushes back or reduces the spraying effectiveness. Low this year which should mean less gnats in your ears
Per Dave


Ever see one of these:
Helicopter Tree Trimming
They notified me in advance before cutting my property but even my friend, a retired helicopter pilot thought it was nuts.
Read that article franklin and once again prob will get sprayed the Tunkhannock creek is my back yard and local haunt.
It's an old UH-1 (Huey) painted red and white. And yes, it's a gnat killer. The spray contains a parasite that attacks the gnat larva. She flew over our house the other day. Was great to hear the familiar Thump Thump Thump of the two blade main rotor.