heading to little lehigh

SharkyOhio wrote:
If you only knew what it's like to hook an 18 lb redfish in 2 feet of water on a 7wt rod...yes I do miss fishing in SE Louisiana.

try a 15-20 lb carp on a 5 weight rod. Or a 48" musky.
SharkyOhio wrote:
Right. I'm so glad you agree with me.

O Was I supposed to wait up all night for your response? Sorry
Neutral corners gentlemen.....

Sharkey, I've read all the posts. and see your point but just as you are an expert in the southern salt and have standard set ups, Here in Pa fishing for trouts in small creeks one would never think of a sink tip. I think thats all the shop owner was trying to convey.

When I think of sink tips I think of lakes, "the ocean" and deep rivers.

lets not get started off on the wrong foot here.

This goes for everyone,
The Beginners forum is for newbies to ask questions and as in the past get helpful responses from the board regulars. It must remain civil and relaxing for this to work.

Thanks, Maurice.

Yup....we all know (or should know) that there are many ways to catch a fish. There's really no right way or wrong way, just different ways. But that's not the point gawldangit...the OP was a noobie just asking about some info to take is son out FFing! This forum was created to give those new to FFing a place to feel comfortable asking questions about the sport. Just about every post after the OP make me uncomfortable! :oops:

If you are noobie or are a member on here answering noobie question, feel free to post on here. For everything else, use another related forum in the general forum. And if you want to write something dumb and/or not related to FFing, use the OT forum.

heading there now. Should be there in an hr. If anyone is up there Ill look for ya.
I met Dave at the shop when I was helping with the group. we talked for a few minutes. I think he knows how to fish the stream that his fly shop is on. there is no need to buy a new leader for fishing any small trout stream. split shots are my best friend. I add them till I start snagging the bottom.

man 18 pound red on the 7 weight fly. is that some kind of record?
Was up there on Sunday afternoon and it was fairly crowded .. not newbie jam crowded but more than other days in the past few months. Got one up near the red covered bridge which has become my favorite place to start as I have had luck hooking but finally landed one on Sunday. Thought it would be warmer that day but it wasn't and the fish weren't that active. There was a rally nice one hanging by the bridge near the fly shop (on the other side) that I spent a bunch of time with no luck. Chucked a few nymphs and then went to buggers which caught his interest. Unfortunately he got very close to a black and then an olive one but rejected both. Still felt good being close, not spooking and watching it all unfold.

Speaking of temps .. I’m going to purchase a thermo at some point but what are the better water temps that get fish active? I think I have read arnd 45 – abt 67 degrees but I may be wrong
Stagger I was the Sunday with docsab
Stagger I was the Sunday with docsab