have you ever???



New member
May 4, 2011
Not sure.... but im probably gonna get bashed for this one!

DOES ANYONE EVER USE LIVE BAIT WITH THEIR FLYROD? or is this sacreligous???? haha
Started fishing worms with one-late 40s,before spinning took over.
I once tried to fish sucker meat with one to see if the old timers were right-this was at nite on the Missouri river-I caught a sucker on it.lost interest in the project.
"or is this sacreligous????"

Not at all!! Starting out with something you have confidence in is a good idea. It's a good way to learn strike detection and nymph drifting. Way back I used to fish salmon eggs on a fly rod worked great.

Egg sacks aren't live, and stocked rainbows cannot resist their siren song.

But none the less, I believe the answer to your query is, "yes."
There's nothing sacriligious about fishing bait with a fly rod in areas where bait fishing is legal (although it can't be categorized as "fly fishing" IMO). Back when I started trout fishing, a lot of old time bait fishers exclusively used fly rods and they were very effective at catching trout. I think this is less common today - but still an effective way to present a worm or minnow.
i once hooked crickets and grasshoppers and fished them with the rod. Grasshoppers only once because when i started casting the wings opened and boy what a mess!
nymphingmaniac wrote:
i once hooked crickets and grasshoppers and fished them with the rod. Grasshoppers only once because when i started casting the wings opened and boy what a mess!

When I was a kid I used a bamboo fly rod with grasshoppers in farm ponds for bass. It was a lot of fun and very effective.
jdaddy wrote:
When I was a kid I used a bamboo fly rod with grasshoppers in farm ponds for bass. It was a lot of fun and very effective.

Did Sight_Nymph know you fished bamboo? He might have to strike the friendship.

I always used a flyrod with bait, never like fishin with a spinning rod, plus I always though you could get a better drift with a flyrod. Then one day I caught a trout with a fly and never went back, that's been many years ago, it's been a great ride!

If I can't get my back and my wading any better, it maybe back to sitting on the bank with a forked stick and lounge chair :evil:

I have.

When I started out flyfishing, specially out west, I did a little worms on a fly rod. I was a beginner, and those guys at Last Chance thought I was an expert, lol. They say those fish there have their phd's, but I don't think they see too many worms, as I was HIGHLY successful (double digits and sore arms). Something different always seems to work.

Also, more modernly, steely fishing. I use a fly rod pretty exclusively, it does give a better drift. But I'll use egg sacs, they stay on the hook real nice. Single eggs come off the hook too easily for fly gear, so its glo-bugs to represent singles, but even then I'll sometimes tip them with maggots.

I've tried minnies too, but a spinning rod is far superior for that.
alot of people do it, but I think it misses the whole point of fly fishing, which is to try to fool the fish into thinking the concoction you tied up out of feathers and furs really is food. it's one of the things that gives this sport it's artistry and also what lured(pun?) me to it in the first place.
When I first got my fly rod (30 years ago) I used it mostly for bait fishing. Almost like high sticking with nymphs. You do not false cast with bait. You kind of swing it and drop it into the holes and runs and let it drift. Nice way to drift bait. Since I started fly fishing again, I have not fished for trout any other way.
caveman wrote:
When I first got my fly rod (30 years ago) I used it mostly for bait fishing. Almost like high sticking with nymphs. You do not false cast with bait. You kind of swing it and drop it into the holes and runs and let it drift. Nice way to drift bait. Since I started fly fishing again, I have not fished for trout any other way.

When I first started to fly fish a long time ago, I had no one to teach me the "right way" so, like you, I fished flies like I did bait. I caught fish from day one...plenty of them. No need to make it rocket science with special rigs, techniques or flies. Just learn to drift a fly drag free through a run and hang on. It really can be as simple as that....good stuff.
Nothing blasphemous about fishing with bait using a fly rod as long as you keep things in perspective. Some might say you are not actually "fly fishing" rather you are live bait fishing just with a fly rod.

The art of fly fishing is not just the cast, it is the presenting of something artificial to the fish and fooling them into thinking it's food and eating it.

I know this can open a purist can of worms, but there is nothing wrong with learning steps along the way.
Lol at purist and can of worms strung together. Very clever.
Yup. Meal worms.
On really slow days I've tipped my caddis nymph with an actual caddis. It has worked in the past, and sometimes nothing, Results vary.
I know this can open a purist can of worms, but there is nothing wrong with learning steps along the way.

If you plan to release fish, you shouldn't fish with bait. "Purism" is not the reason bait fishing should be avoided. At least not the main one.
I don't personally use bait, but I know that it can be difficult fishing with something that your not all together comfortable with. So in my eyes its not a big deal, but when the use of flies is less of an alien concept Its doubtful that the live stuff will be the weapon of choice.