Hatches Magazine

Got it. You want me to bring it to TU meeting?
Cambyses, its the best 7 bucks you'll ever spend for a mag. Very little adds, full of content. It may take a little bit to get your copy but worth the wait. Even though I did the article on the quill wing drys I was still looking at it with a criticle eye and still have to say that there isn't another magazine like it. If Will does a second one its going to be tough with the bar raised as high as it is. Be curious to hear what you think of it when you get it.
I have the issue with the trout just about to break the surface after a fly. What a great photo. And a great magazine. It's one of the few I don't already get so I'm going to ask Santa for a subscription this year.
That's what my TU chapter calls our newsletter! 😀
Ok, you guys convinced me. I just finished ordering my copy. Cannot wait to see it!
Hey Joe- won't be at the meeting tonight heading down to Virginia to fish some of the blue lines. Glad you got the mag. What do you think of it? I know Will wants to make it the top one out there so any remarks pro or con will help to make it that way. Even for myself, first time I ever wrote an article, there were a couple mis edits but I think it still got the message across.
I thought the magazine was first class. I didn't take notice of the authors names so I didn't realize you authored the article. Did you take the photos? Anyway good job on the article and good luck on the trip.
Joe- glad you like it, I think most of the people did their own photo's and Will may have added some. The picture of the dry on the cover Will took from a flie I had entered in his contest. The rest of the shots I took.
nice article there plumbob, the white fly with red looks just like a fly I have... :-D Great mag ....when you coming up...