Has anyone seen a Brookie like this before?

It's a normal Brookie recovering from the quarantine. :)
Honestly looks exactly like a stocked brookie I caught in the Ridley Creek maybe 2 years ago. Muted colors just like that one even with the same absence of any red.
My guess was just weird genetic abnormality, as mentioned above. My first thought was blue rainbows too.
So I got an email back from the PAFBC biologist and he says that he has never seen a Brook trout quite like this one and there is some sort of gene that is controlling the vermiculation that this one might be missing. Also he notes that the lack of colors is another potential recessive or genetic difference. One thing he did say is that this is 100% not an albino.

I plan on doing a little write up here soon that I'll send to mods for maybe use on the blog otherwise I'll post a link here. This is my first "unicorn" catch though and it's pretty cool. Maybe we can get an answer some day.
Neat update!
Personally i think its mostly an environmental variation but neat to think about!