Harmons Summertime



Nov 13, 2006
Hi I was looking for a nice long weekend gettaway for my wife and I and read some posts here about Harmons in WV. Sounds like it might be a good spot. The cabins and all look pretty nice. I was wondering if anyone had info on what the water, and fishing, might be like as we get more into the summer. I would probably be looking at Aug. A little concerned that the water might be very low or fishing may drop off big time.?
Appreciate any info.
Bill A
I have gone in Sept and yes water was low but still plenty of fish and had a great time. They cancelled the stocking one time and we still caught plenty of fish. Its also nice to walk off the stream and into the jacuzzi. There fly shop is not stocked to good so take what you need.
Harmons is amazing, but my understanding is that fishing is not recommend in July or August.
They say on their site that they stock 10 months out of the year. July and August are excluded.

In a normal year I'd expect a decent amount of fish to be in a stream like that that gets stocked so heavily, but we have seen less than an inch of rain in almost a month over here in western pa and I'd expect that part of wv to be close to the same.

Not deterring you from there, but just saying trout fishing will be tough almost anywhere if we don't get some rain soon.
I've been doing some exploring on the motorcycle down that way the past couple weekends, water is LOW everywhere. some of the smaller streams I used to catch brookies in are DRY!! bigger creeks you can cross without wetting your ankles. I can't speak for the creek they are on, but if the ones I witnessed are any indication, I'd wait for LOTS of rain if I were planning on fishing. although, lot's of other things to do down that way besides fishing! it's beautiful country and well worth exploring. I think the lack of snowfall this past winter is starting to haunt us.
Might want to try the Yough at a bed in breakfast in that area, maybe you live right on it, and have no desire, dunno know. But, I remember reading in a book that it stayed in the low 60s around the dam in high heat.

Now, I don't know anything about the dam height required to keep it that cool, but I saw some post on here and the guys said that is was in the 50s, I think, when they took temps. I've seen some pictures of fish in that place, and there are some beasts in there.
I just booked July 15 and 16 with Harman's using the two free nights I won at the Jamboree. The 16th is my anniversary. It will probably be best if the fishing is not good so I spend more time with my wife... I'll post a report.

Anyone know if there are smallmouth on the grounds or in the area?
Seems to me, and maybe I imagined it, that I read on their site about smallie fishing!?
Here's a link to the water flow for that river. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wv/nwis/uv?site_no=01606000 When I was there is May the flow was over 1700 and I still caught a few. I would think you could still catch some fish in August. The whole place is great and you will enjoy it even if the fishing isn't the best.
I have a trip booked there for Sept 12 through the 15th. Hope it is fishable then......
No help here however the wife and I have a trip booked there in October. It will be our first trip there. If I survive until then it will be great to get away anywhere. If the fishing is any good it will be a bonus. The cabins look awesome.
The southbranch 9 miles below harman's has a catch and release area. It has been managed C&R since 1987. The south branch in smoke hole holds smallies.

Summer Trout at Harman's. Our water can be low and warm from july 1 to Aug 15/30 depending on tropical depressions or other rainfall.

I recommend. Seneca Creek, Dry Fork, North Branch below jennings randolph for summer trout fishing near harman's.