Hardy Rod Warranty



Well-known member
Oct 1, 2019
Central Pa
I just want to share a good news story concerning Hardy and my experience with them. Not to long ago I came across a super deal on a Hardy NSX Ultralite LL 9’9” 3wt. It was virtually new having been only lawn cast. After I got the rod I did the usual lookover. The rod was pristine as expected. I put it away and a few day later put it together to check out how it felt with the reel I planned to use. Upon close inspection I noticed the ceramic insert (I think it’s ceramic) in the stripping guide was missing. It had been there when I put the rod away. Long story short I found it in the rod cloth in 4 pieces!
I contacted Hardy’s warranty rep, explained my problem and also explained I was not the original owner and did not know if the rod was ever registered. He instructed me to fill out the warranty form and send it to them in Florida which I promptly did. I contacted him again the day after it was delivered and asked how long it would take until they let me know if the rod would be covered under warranty. He explained it would take about 7 days to process it and in 1 to 2 weeks after that I would get a call from someone for payment if approved . Note: Hardy charges $75 for the warranty processing according to their website. I asked if there was anything he could do to speed up the process since I have a trip planned for a few days the beginning of October. He told me he would make a call to them right away. 20 minutes later he told me to expect a call for the payment processing. Within an hour I got a call from a lady in the warranty department telling me the would be sending me the replacement section right away. When I asked who I needed to speak with concerning the $75 processing fee, she told me not to worry there would be no charge! So I must say, I’m impressed. Or just a bit lucky huh.
Based upon my experience, Orvis and Hardy both impress me with their customer service.
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Little luck and a little good service 👍. I had heard a couple of nightmare tales regarding warranty with them but that was more during the covid lockdown phase. It was enough to put me off of buying a rod at this point but your story restores my faith
I've had some truly awful experiences as I'm sure many others have had with other brands. Hardy is not one of those brands. Nothing but good things to say about them.