Hard Plastic Flyrod Cases



New member
Nov 4, 2011
I have seen versions of these on the Internet under the Flambeau, Plano and Penn brands. Does anyone on the forum use these? If so, what do you recommend?
I have a 2" and a 3" diameter Flambeau. I use them to store rods and sometimes use them when I go on an overnight fishing trip. I like them.

I also have an Eagle Claw aluminum tube that's about 35 yrs old.
PVC pipe cut to length two end caps and a piece of 550 cord. Glue one end cap on bottom. Drill a hole big enough for the 550 cord in the middle of cap, thread cord thru and tie a jam knot on inside. Drill another hole in top of PVC pipe and repeat knot procedure mark outside of tube with rod data. Cheap and effective theft deterrent as we'll. Whole thing for less than $10. I have 3 or 4 of them and put my expensive rods in them when Travelling.
i actually just picked up one of the cheapy Plano ones for my pole. For 15$, it'll do exactly what I need it to do.
I'm going to follow JG63's suggestion and make up a couple of PVC flyrod tubes. I want these for use in a car or truck.

Jeremy Wade, from the Animal Planet television show, River Monsters, appears to carry his heavy rods in a Plano-style case.
I recommend stuffing the end caps with a soft foam so if the rods shift around or when inserting them they won't bang on the section ends. Also, the access end can be made with a screw on plug.
Good advice Jack! I forgot to mention it - sheets of foam from a craft store cut to shape with scissors work well.