


Nov 27, 2011
Well as many of you may or may not know I am very knew to this fly fishing thing. Was out twice before and caught nothing. Well that all changed yesterday. Went to the Little Lehigh for the first time. I know it may not be the hardest creek to fish but hey I am a newbie lol. Caught 3 trout yesterday finally breaking in the rod and reel.
Thanks. I consider a milestone lol
daman1277 wrote:
Well as many of you may or may not know I am very knew to this fly fishing thing. Was out twice before and caught nothing. Well that all changed yesterday. Went to the Little Lehigh for the first time. I know it may not be the hardest creek to fish but hey I am a newbie lol. Caught 3 trout yesterday finally breaking in the rod and reel.

Good job daman! Stick with it...the best has yet to come. Winter is usually the toughest time of the year to catch fish. By spring, you'll be haulin' 'em in left and right....lol. Good stuff.
Way to go, daman!
Good for you! Flyfishing can come in fits sometimes, be patient, it will eventually be worth all the time and frustration.
Congrats Chris, I am glad you caught a couple. I've told you for atleast a year to fish the L.L.
Dont sell yourself short, the fish on the Little Lehigh for no push overs. Congrats, pretty cool feeling huh. My first trout was on Valley Creek using a black bugger, still remember how proud I felt. Took me a year and countless creek chubs before I got one.
I have been FF-ing for 20 years and sometimes have trouble catching fish at the LL. Nice job and as others have said, the best is YET to come!
Congrats dude. The first trout on a fly rod is a milestone for any fly fisherman. Make a note of it, 'cause many of us will never remember that moment!
Great Job! I remember my first flyrod caught trout like it was yesterday. Penns Creek, Wild Brown,early March, size 18 BWO nymph. Trust me those you just caught are never going to become a lost memory. No matter how many you catch in the future that first one is SPECIAL!
Congrats Daman! The trout on LL are well educated, trust me they've seen just about everything mind can think to put on hook! I still have days where I say WTF can they want! Keep working at it and you will see increase in hook-ups. On Sat I walked entire stream and finally hooked up before I was calling it day!
congrats! thats where i caught my first trout on a flyrod too! i was 9, could only cast 15 feet, and i used a san juan worm. and the memory is already slipping away...
I had the pleasure of getting to fish with Chris Sunday. Not a bad newbie at all and a hell of a lot of fun to spend most of a day not catching anything! Of course, we ended strong!
Thanks bud I had fun as well. What can I say I take catch and release to the next level. I don't even do the catch part at times lol
Way to go! GG
Better than I am! I can't even catch a fish there and ive tried so many times! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!