Happy Holidays from Paflyfish 2012

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I always enjoy this time of year and it is not just for the egg nog and watching my favorite holiday movies with my family. It gives me time to look over the year and think about all the good things that happened. I often think about what I didn't get to as well, but I'll leave that as little gift for my therapist to work on with me later.

-We had a host of Jams and Meet-ups through out the year including: The Steelhead Jam, Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree, Pocono Newbie Jam, Paflyfish Jam, Show up if you want to Jam, WarmWater Jam/Float, Catskill JAM, Quill Gordon Summit and many more. What I am always most proud of when I talk about the site is how helpful so many people are in helping others. People like Heritage Angler, Krayfish, PoconoPaul, The_Sasquatch, ryguyfi and many many others.

The site is made up of so many wonderful people that really think about and find ways to give back. Some of these are conservation efforts and many are just helping someone new to the sport. These activities touch a lot of people and I am thankful to be a part of that. I had some really good friends help me get started in fly fishing and I will hope you will continue to do the same.

In addition a special thanks to those who keep the site going and in order Maurice, Jack, David and Tom. Without their help WWII would look like a school yard brawl. They lead the site with so many efforts and I very much appreciate their support.

Our sponsors help to keep all the bits and bytes moving across the Internet and a special thanks to Allen Fly Fishing, Gogal Publishing Company, Montana Fly Fishing, Trident Fly Fishing, Harman's North Fork Cottages, Risen Fly and Rick Nyles at Sky Blue Outfitters.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Merry Christmas Dave. Here's to a rippin' 2013!
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Merry Christmas Dave. Here's to a rippin' 2013!
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Merry Christmas Dave. Here's to a rippin' 2013!
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Merry Christmas to our host, our moderators, our sponsors, and all the characters who make PaFlyFish a great place to hang out. Love the photo Dave, it really is a wonderful life!

God bless you, every one,

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Merry Christmas to our host, our moderators, our sponsors, and all the characters who make PaFlyFish a great place to hang out. Love the photo Dave, it really is a wonderful life!

God bless you, every one,

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Merry Christmas to our host, our moderators, our sponsors, and all the characters who make PaFlyFish a great place to hang out. Love the photo Dave, it really is a wonderful life!

God bless you, every one,

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Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you Dave, and to all
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Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you Dave, and to all
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Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you Dave, and to all
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ahh... the save the bank scene, love it. For as long as I can remember.
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ahh... the save the bank scene, love it. For as long as I can remember.
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ahh... the save the bank scene, love it. For as long as I can remember.
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In what scenario would one use a fluorocarbon tippet, if ever?
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