Happened to you?



May 29, 2007
I hook into a 22 or 23" brown and he won't pose for the picture. He's wily enough that he unhooks himself and jumps back into the stream. I'll be back "Big Jimmy"!!!
As a matter of fact it did. In the fall I was fishing on my home water and on this particular day I was having a great day catching many small wild browns on top....not expecting much more than that, I was casting as I walked upstream, looking at the ground and structure near the waters edge and saw my slate drake get sucked under. I set the hook and all hell broke loose. After a few minutes...without a camera, I hoped someone would come by to see the size of the fish I had on line. And then it occurred to me...if the wrong person saw it, they'd be there with a can of green giant niblets in no time. So I landed it, admired it for a few seconds and slid it back into the water. It went 19" and about 3 lbs. with shoulders and a big kype, not to mention the red fins in spawning splendor.

The picture of that fish will be with me for a while.

Happened to me in Idaho. Caught the Brookie of a lifetime on a beetle in a small desert stream. It was pushin 20 inches. As I slide my hand under it to hold it it burst out of my grip and snapped the line. Lucky a buddy was there to see it because no one would belive me.
Oh yes. Think I have had 2-3 big guys on for several minutes only to snap the line at my feet when I was digging for the camera. This seems to happen when I am fishing alone. I bought a net a month ago and that should help. (if I ever bring it along that is)
Well, it almost happened to me on this fish.
It happened to me on an 18" smallmouth in Vermont. I had time to measure it then I pulled out the camera it flopped in the water and snapped my line. I took a couple of pictures of him as he cruised around with my fly in the corner of his mouth.


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Almost happened:

This was a slippery Cutt form Soda Butte in YNP. I landed 20+ fish from the along that bank in two days.