Hand Vice



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I was checking out the J Vice website - it look pretty cool and the accessories are unreal. Check out the camera attachment. They had something I have never seen. A hand vice - anyone ever use one ?


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I've tried holding vices to tie streamside. Not very effective for me.
That's new to me. I can tie fairly well without a vise but something like this might be handy for streamside or camping.
When I first started tying I didn't have a vise and used my hand to hold the hook.

I've vowed to never go back.

Besides the only reason to tie stream side would be if you forgot your fly box, if not something in there will work if presented properly.
Bruno wrote:
A hand vice - anyone ever use one ?

A coincidental browse:


This week’s typing tip is in response to a question by Hatches reader, Nick S. from Boise, ID. Nick wanted to know if we had any suggestions for a small, lightweight fly tying vise to use streamside, or on backcountry fly-in/ hike-in fly fishing trips.

Like most fly tiers, you probably have an X-ACTO knife sitting on your fly tying bench. And like most fly tiers, you probably didn’t realize that this $2 tool easily converts into a nearly weightless fly tying vise. Simply unscrew the collet, remove the blade, insert your hook, and tighten the collet.

A standard X-ACTO knife should hold hook sizes between a #6 and #20 with minimal to no hook slippage. If you do experience any hook slippage, just slide the hook back into place and keep tying.
Multitool with visegrips:
(insert crafty picture here)

(wonder if that link works?)
(this one?)
(they didn't)
This little hand held doo-hickey it probably the only J-Vice I will ever be able to afford in my life.
Finding a vise is the easy part. It's the suitcase full of tying materials that makes the concept worthless to me. ;-)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Finding a vise is the easy part. It's the suitcase full of tying materials that makes the concept worthless to me. ;-)

Nah, you just have to carry a rifle, too.
Lee Wulff tied all his flies just in his hands... down to size 28 I believe. If you've never read "Lee Wulff, Compleat" it is a great read.
In the course of reading fly fishing related stuff , somewhere along the way i read that Vince Marinaro , i think , had converted a vise to mount on the steering wheel of his car so if he got rained out or needed something he could do it in his auto. Anyone else ever remember reading about this , i'm not sure i got all my facts straight , but it's close..........................MIKE
The late Jack Gartside was a cabbie who'd tie flies on his dashboard while waiting for fares...

had converted a vise to mount on the steering wheel of his car

And they thought texting and driving was dangerous. Wait until Oprah gets a hold of this one once the trend gets started!
Gartside was the salt water guy right?
osprey wrote:
Gartside was the salt water guy right?


Among other things, yeah. Prolific fly designer, trout bum, cabbie, rake and all around spawner of fascinating stories.

Would've liked to meet him.
vince did tie on his steering wheel, I saw it. I tied with Lee Wulff with no vice. Gartside did tie in his cab al the time the thief..
I watched JackM try to tie a fly in my SUV once while we were driving to the smokies. It was kinda funny.