Hammersley Fork Backpacking - Best Time of Year?

That’s a problem in any stream 😂
True, but I've had it be a problem more on the the HF than I have on any other stream I've fished. I'm thinking maybe because it's a more open stream in a lot of spots than most that I fish, and with their wide wingspan they need the room to maneuver?

One day on the HF, I had one hopscotching me to the point I had to leave the stream, go halfway up the mountain out of it's view, parallel the stream a ways, and drop back down, way upstream of it. It was killing my fishing.
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True, but I've had it be a problem more on the the HF than I have on any other stream I've fished. I'm thinking maybe because it's a more open stream in a lot of spots than most that I fish, and with their wide wingspan they need the room to maneuver?

On day on the HF, I had one hopscotching me to the point I had to leave the stream, go halfway up the mountain out of it's view, parallel the stream a ways, and drop back down, way upstream of it. It was killing my fishing.
And I am sure that you were killing its fishing, too.