Hair for Muddler Head Streamers?



Oct 8, 2008
I'm looking for deer hair to tie streamers with spun deer-hair (muddler-type) heads. However, I'm not sure what type of hair to get (deer body hair, deer belly hair, costal deer hair; etc.), nor how to shop for hair.

Is the hair best suited for muddler heads and deer hair poppers the same? If not, how are they different? Also, what should I be looking for when picking through packages of hair at the fly shop?

I'm looking forward to the feedback. Let me know how I can clarify my question if need be; thanks.
Not so much on the hair, but on muddlers: The guy who really got me my start tying has specifically said he thinks commercial muddlers' heads are too packed, and thus too resistant to sinking. He always recommended to his students to make them sparser, not as dense, so they'll easier to wick up water and go down.
i think your supposed to use body hair.... i think coastal hair is more for wingin but i couls be wrong ive never used it ...

Usually, when you buy deer hair from a decent supplier, they will offer regular deer hair as well as "bass bug" deer hair. The former is finer, the latter more coarse and will probably spin better. Either will almost certainly do the job.

Just steer clear of coastal deer as the previous poster suggested. it also is sold under the name "comparadun hair". Its fairly limp and will not spin well.
Do a search for Kelly Gallops "Zoo Cougar". Several videos will pop up. there is one about 40 min. long and he goes into detail about what hair to use and how to pick a good patch.
Thanks for the video suggestions:-D

I just finished watching the 40 min video. The info he gave on good vs. bad spinning hair was exactly what I was looking for, and more. If anyone else out there is just starting to work with spinning hair as I am, watching the vid will be well worth your while.

P.S. - The fly I'm working is a variation of the Zoo Cougar.

BountyHunter wrote:
Do a search for Kelly Gallops "Zoo Cougar". Several videos will pop up. there is one about 40 min. long and he goes into detail about what hair to use and how to pick a good patch.