Had to say good bye to an old friend :(



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Had to demote the old thompson vice I had since I started tying nearly a decade ago. the exact origins are still unknown. I think it was either given to me or bought at a yardsale. The old girl has been through a lot. I had to switch from the original base to the junk cabelas base I had. The pin and lever had broke so she had to get more parts swapped on to her.

She is more like a frankenvise these days and since i started my fly tying business she has really took a beating. Her jaws dont grip as well from pinching barbs with her. She has some gouges and such as well. This old vice served me very well for years, and will not get tossed away by anymeans. She may get to hang on the wall of the man cave.

I upgraded to a "regal knockoff" Terra vice from Hairline. I was going to go for the renzetti but figured if I can tie on the old girl this will work fine enough. I bought an Allen XA in 10' 4 weight instead. I used my new vice this morning to fill and order for stockie killers. It worked well. The rotary feature is something to be desired but could just need broke in.

I will miss the old girl and she has been around the country on trips. She has even been secured to tables at a few resturants in our state for some quick hatch matchers. The new vice has big shoes to fill but is holding up fine.

I will try to post up some pics of the old girl ;)
I still use my Thompson n i was able to buy 6 new ones when a guy in Selingsgrove went out of business i have 2 left 3 counting mine. I gave 3 away to folks i was teaching , my Regal is my ol girl though.