


Jul 2, 2009
Now im sure everyone knows about the fashion industry and how hackle is at a minimum in places but I have to ask if anyone has seen hackle/schlappen feathers that are still available that are long in the 10" to 14" range anywhere that aren't on ebay for a rediculous amount of cash? Thanks
Anything with "saddle" in the name is getting bought up
10-14 is pretty long... schlappen is like 7 at most

Orivs packaged a "saltwater saddle" that is pretty webby, but mostly colored in pastels

check for a whiting flat-wing saddle... more of a wider/webby feather.. but last i checked they were 250+
I have one in purple with a lot of 10-14in


I love schlappen it makes for great smaller speys and it comes in alot of natural colors as well as the rainbow.
a quick burn and its better than packaged "spey hackle" (burnt goose)

but i think the hackle use in this thread is for streamer bodies... profile and movement
seems a bit wide for streamer profiles, wouldn't a Whiting American saddle or cape work far better,other forum i am a member of say that Whiting American hackle is the way to go ,or chinese saddles.I always thought larger buggers tied with schlappen also looked and fished great.
Here is flat wing on 6/0 and 5/0


here is schlappen
on a double and 5/0s

the solid olive is schlappen and the grizzly is amix of saddle and cape
these for muskies?i was thinking for trout sorry, I was in Rangeley and a guy and i were chatting and fishing a pool togetehr he notices i have a wetfly wallet with felt pages in with streamers,so he pulls his out and shows me his streamers that he uses,he had streamers on the largest Carrie Stevens /Rangeley hooks i had ever seen was 1/0 or close to it they were all Grey Ghosts seven in a row like at formation at attention.I was shocked largest trout streamers/flies i had ever seen.these also remind me of the big intruder craze in steelheading right now.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
Yeah the reason i was asking was for musky fly's. I have some of the 5" to 7" stuff but I have some nice long ones as well that I got that are easily in the 10" to 14" range if some of them not even longer. This trend needs to die in the fashion industry. We should start a rumor that people's hair is going to fall out if they use them or something! ha

And ramcat, what is the red grizzly hackl you have on that flatwing? Brand I mean?
red is a hareline...
the rest of it is in chicks hair in Texas
if you are seeing something over 7 or 8... its not schlappen... must have been saddle hackle
not every saddle are the whispy ones
Metz makes a "magnum" grizzly saddle with the thicker nice long feathers

a lot of those musky/pike flies pull from the same design purpose as the "intruder style" fly... materials get stiffer and longer as you layer
I've had long convos about this...
a tear-drop shape that allows a vortex to liven long materials
hollow with a big profile
and yes... there is schlappen


ramcatt- lovin that last pic- SWEET!!!