Hackle Info

Has anyone been able to find whole Hungarian partridge skins?
yeah. saw them about a week ago in FFP.

Has anyone been able to find whole Hungarian partridge skins?
I‘ve bought 4-5 really nice whole pelts, about as perfect as you could want, the past several years from a couple sellers on EBay and Facebook Marketplace. I think one guy may have been a hunter in Idaho, and I believe another guy from Utah may be pen raising them.

You’ve got to wait until the fall and early winter until they start harvesting them. The #1 prime pelts sold for around $45-$50 each.
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I have a bin full of #1 quality skins that I paid about $8 each for maybe 15 years ago when fly shops were selling them for more than double that price... 😉

$45 - $50 is nuts...
Do any of you know anyone who raise birds specifically for this?
Seems like there could be a little money in some of the more unique species.
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I have a bin full of #1 quality skins that I paid about $8 each for maybe 15 years ago when fly shops were selling them for more than double that price... 😉

$45 - $50 is nuts...
Do you happen to be in the business of selling partridge skins?
Do you happen to be in the business of selling partridge skins?

No I just buy fly tying materials in quantity when I find them at a good price because I know sure as heck the price will go up, the products will become unavailable or in limited supply.

For example, you'd faint if you saw how many 100 Packs I have with price tags of $6.00 - $8.00... 😉

I sent you a PM.
Partridge are extremely territorial birds for their size and often kill one another very easily when farmed. Probably why they're so expensive. I'd imagine that nearly 80% of the birds you see in shops are from hunters.
I did not want to start a new thread, so I decided to revive this thread about hackle. I noticed this afternoon a small beetle on a woodcock wing I have from Veniards. Does anyone have any tips on how to treat feathers and hackle to kill critters? Or should I just consider that wing a lost cause and pitch it? Right now it’s sealed up in a separate ziplock bag to prevent anything from getting on other materials.
I did not want to start a new thread, so I decided to revive this thread about hackle. I noticed this afternoon a small beetle on a woodcock wing I have from Veniards. Does anyone have any tips on how to treat feathers and hackle to kill critters? Or should I just consider that wing a lost cause and pitch it? Right now it’s sealed up in a separate ziplock bag to prevent anything from getting on other materials.

Go to your local grocery store and but some moth CRYSTALS which are paradichlorobenzene NOT moth balls (which are naphthalene) and put some in that Ziploc bag.

Paradichlorobenzene will KILL critters while moth balls only repel. All of my natural materials are stored in sealed Rubbermaid containers loaded with moth crystals and I have never ever had an issue with bugs...