Gulf Shores, AL



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Heading here in ten days, staying for a week. Anyone have any fishing experience (fly or otherwise) in this area? I'd love to get into some redfish, or maybe paddle around a swamp for bass and panfish. I have ZERO idea what it's like down there. Any good kayak rental places to check out would be much appreciated as well, although google can help me with that if need be.

I have not done one bit of research on my own yet, haven't had time this week but I plan to do that this weekend.

I don't have the $$ for a guide, so this trip will be purely DIY. Easily accessible spots will be a HUGE plus!

Anything in the surf that I can handle on a 6-wt?


Good luck with your trip. Let us know what you see. I've not fished the AL coast but have spent some time in the FL panhandle. During summer, for a FFer using light gear, you can target ladyfish, spotted sea trout (called "specks" on the Gulf coast), and Spanish mackerel. If you have some spin gear, I'd highly recommend taking it as catching fish in the salt is much easier with spin gear, esp when the wind is blowing (which is most of the time). When you find fish with spin gear, then break out the fly rod. By all means rent a kayak and tool around some flats or spartina grass beds in the morning or evening. There will probably be some redfish around but a 6WT is light for reds as they will take you into backing. If you can handle a carp on your 6WT, you can handle most run of the mill reds however.
Fishidiot wrote:
Good luck with your trip. Let us know what you see. I've not fished the AL coast but have spent some time in the FL panhandle. During summer, for a FFer using light gear, you can target ladyfish, spotted sea trout (called "specks" on the Gulf coast), and Spanish mackerel. If you have some spin gear, I'd highly recommend taking it as catching fish in the salt is much easier with spin gear, esp when the wind is blowing (which is most of the time). When you find fish with spin gear, then break out the fly rod. By all means rent a kayak and tool around some flats or spartina grass beds in the morning or evening. There will probably be some redfish around but a 6WT is light for reds as they will take you into backing. If you can handle a carp on your 6WT, you can handle most run of the mill reds however.

100% your answer, especially the spinning gear back up. Big redfish are actually very easy, thus pretty easy on the fly. As FI notes, get a kayak (I hate them) as you will certainly need mobility beyond a simple wade or shore fish.
Thanks guys. In the past when I have fished places with reds, I have always managed to catch one or two. I agree that they seem pretty easy to catch if you can find them. I think the 6 wt will probably handle them fine up to 5-6 pounds.

Do you know if there are pompano in the surf in the gulf (sorry, still haven't had time to research)? I have heard they are a blast if you go after them early in the morning before anyone is on the beach.
sarce wrote:
Do you know if there are pompano in the surf in the gulf (sorry, still haven't had time to research)?

Yes, they're there although I don't know how common they are or whether folks target them much in that area.
Al i live in lehigh acres florida and fish in fort myers sanabel area.
If you are going to be in that area kayaks are available for rent.
Let me know if you will be in my area and i'll have some more advice on where to fish. Chuck
mole crab flies, small shrimp and crab flies, a few clousers in chart/white/silver, small bobs bangers should do for flies on a 6 wt. just walk and cast along the beach.
Found tarpon feeding on 2" long shad-looking baitfish early this morning. Hooked two and missed three other takes but as you might expect, I didn't stand a chance with a 6-wt. They were small for tarpon but wold have been bigger than anything I've ever landed on any tackle. The second one ran 70-80 ft in seconds before shaking free.

No fish landed yet but that was freaking awesome!!
sarce wrote:
Found tarpon feeding on 2" long shad-looking baitfish early this morning. Hooked two and missed three other takes but as you might expect, I didn't stand a chance with a 6-wt. They were small for tarpon but wold have been bigger than anything I've ever landed on any tackle. The second one ran 70-80 ft in seconds before shaking free.

No fish landed yet but that was freaking awesome!!

Awesome sounds like a great time .
were they tarpon or ladyfish ?
If Ladyfish can fight as well as tarpon, I suppose that's a possibility. The power of both fish was insane. The smaller one was 25-30", other one I didn't get a good look at (it jumped when i wasnt looking) but had to have been bigger. Redfish in the 24-30" range joined the frenzy later, but I couldn't hook one.

Time for round 2!
ladyfish will tear up a 6wt. they jump non stop. great fish on light tackle.
This morning was a bust. Wind shifted and the baitfish were not there. Sandy the first fish I hooked yesterday was bulldogging me at first, I thought I had a big redfish until it finally jumped. So I think it was a tarpon. I played it way too hard at first, not realizing how big it was, and the jump snapped the tippet.
when fighting tarpon, bow to the fish when he jumps, keeps the breakoffs to a minimum. works on any decent size fish.

Bow= (lean forward and push rod arm forward giving some slack in line)
Turns out Friday morning was my last chance. The forecast for today called for heavy rain all day so we left a day early. Passing thru TN at the moment.

No fish landed but I'm still in awe of the power of those two fish I hooked. I only spent about 6 hrs total all week fishing. Didnt get a chance to take a kayak out on the lagoon which may have helped. The rest of the vacation was just amazing! Hoping to return asap.