Guides in medix run area



New member
Dec 20, 2019
Hello to all, I’ve been fishing in Ontario for a number of years and want to return to the medix run area. I’d prefer to hire a guide but am wondering if there are any recommendations for one in the area? I’ll be bringing my son along .Thanks Dean
I have never heard of anyone guiding in that area.

Most guides take their clients to the larger, more famous waters, which are often described as "destination streams."

I've fished in that region quite a bit because the fishing is not crowded, I enjoy streams that are really out in the woods, and you often see elk around there.

The PFBC website shows which stream sections in the area are stocked, if you're into that.

And if you prefer to fish unstocked streams for wild trout like I do, you can just use maps such as the state forest maps (free) and pick out small streams on public lands, and go fish them.

Most of the small to medium sized forested streams on public land in that area hold wild brook trout and browns.

An exception is Dents Run, which is polluted by mine drainage for most of its length, except for the far headwaters.

It takes some exploring to find good fishing. And you want to go when the conditions are good. Not too cold. Usually things start getting good in May.

And flow levels that are medium to high. Not low, drought-stricken flows.

In summer watch for rains to bring the flows up, then go fish.

Use dry flies such as Parachute Adams, elk hair caddis, and yellow Stimulators. And some terrestrials (ants, beetles, inchworms) in the summer and fall.

It's not technical fishing. Just walk up the stream and cast dry flies to likely looking spots.

Fishing in that area, I have often had slow days. But also some really good days. That's just part of it. The exploring is the fun thing. And seeing elk. That adds a lot of flavor to fishing in that area.
