Guide Stories

He whined about it being hot, whined about it raining, whined that the stream he was fishing - Spring Creek - had a train derailment that dumped caustic chemicals into it -
Does anyone know what train derailment this refers to? When? Where? etc.
Does anyone know what train derailment this refers to? When? Where? etc.

I’m assuming it’s how Spring Creek got polluted with PCB’s. When I used to fish it I used the same fly box as I used on my home waters of Valley Creek(also polluted with PCB’s). Had the same bugs pretty much. Or both might be polluted with PFA’s. Don’t quote me but I believe both were contaminated with the same chemical. Only certain bugs survived it.
I’m assuming it’s how Spring Creek got polluted with PCB’s. When I used to fish it I used the same fly box as I used on my home waters of Valley Creek(also polluted with PCB’s). Had the same bugs pretty much. Or both might be polluted with PFA’s. Don’t quote me but I believe both were contaminated with the same chemical. Only certain bugs survived it.
I don't know of any train derailment that caused pollution on Spring Creek.

And the main pollutants in Spring Creek were kepone and mirex, not PCBs. These pollutants came from a chemical plant near the Nittany Mall, and the pollutants flowed through the groundwater and entered Spring Creek at a spring, a short distance above the Benner Pike bridge in the Houserville/Lemont area.
Does anyone know what train derailment this refers to? When? Where? etc.
I don’t know about that either. Sounds like another near-by stream during, I believe, the 1980’s.