
I have a box of monstrosities I can claim. You know the flies that the trout look at and die of laughter.
I'm with jifigz. I tie a few of a pattern I'm interested in and end up hardly ever using them, tie a few of what I want to fish with (read what I have confidence in from past experience)on a given trip. I'll often tie up a couple of each of a couple patterns right before I go. Just kinda lackadaisical about it, but I have fun and usually catch what I am after.
no exaggeration dave sat down and figured it out, I buy my hooks by the thousands every year

plano 3700 series box - 14 boxes, with 34 compartments averageing 1 doz each bin = 571200 total. that's just that size bins, have others didn't even add yet. like bugger box and streamer boxes, those 34 boxes alone are trout flies. I tie a lot of flies year roumd, not just trout but flies for all fishys

I knitted 3 sweaters per month one year. That's 36 sweaters. And, I did a couple afghans.
sandfly wrote:
no exaggeration dave sat down and figured it out, I buy my hooks by the thousands every year


I was jokingly referring only to where you revised your numbers downward.

I have no doubt that you have tied thousands a year and that you are old. ;-)

JackM wrote:
I knitted 3 sweaters per month one year. That's 36 sweaters. And, I did a couple afghans.

Too easy, but maybe PPF will take a crack at it.