Grey Fox - Maccaffertium Vicarium



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Lebanon, PA
I think. Goin with maccaffertium genus, a little smaller and lighter than the MB's that were also present. I'll say maccaffertium mediopunctatum, cream cahill. Anyone have a better shot at it? Penns Creek, April 28. Size 14 or 16, not many of these.

This new forum has intrigued me to get better at my bug ID. I looked at this pic and said "March Brown, no contest" when I read your stream report, and now in this post you say cahill. I see why, but also remember Jonus' talk a few years back at the JAM and said that one pool may be March browns, and the next pool up may be Grey Foxes. All the same now. Would have guessed the size discrepancy would lead me to Grey fox. Anxious to see what everyone else says.
You’re looking at the mythical Gray Fox, considered by the taxonomists to be a color variation of the March Brown. Good fishing when they’re hatching! Watch for them in and among the March Brown spinners. A little smaller and a little lighter body.

Could be. There were tons of MB's, this was during the heart of their hatch, pics of one of them on another thread. Then this guy, very noticably smaller and lighter in color and stood out like a sore thumb amongst the other sailboats comng downstream. I grabbed him thinking he was an invaria, he looked so light colored in comparison. But then realized he wasn't what I thought he was, so I snapped a pic for later identification with the help of the board.

GF variety of MB makes sense, moreso than cahill. But all of the above are in the same genus, maccaffertium. So I mistook essentially a subspecies for a separate species in the same genus.

Mods feel free to change the title to gray fox, I'm more comfortable with that on review.
Gray Fox. Pretty much matches this;


  • Gray Fox WB Perky 5 18 10.jpg
    Gray Fox WB Perky 5 18 10.jpg
    51.7 KB · Views: 6
I pulled up maccaffertium mediopunctatum yesterday and there's A LOT of similarities visually to this fly. The mottling of the wing looks just a hair different, and maybe even body thickness. It is pretty darn close though.