Green wenies

thanks i dont like tying in the loop tail i think it looks to weird like that and dose the looped tail help?

I've had more success than not with the looped tail.

I've heard old timers say that the loop is very important, but i doubt it's true. It comes down to a matter of preference and tradition for me. The fly has always had a loop and I see no reason to change it.

Also, the damn things are so easy to tie that I'd feel bad not adding at least SOME little bits of complexity.... not that it's very much at all.

I do tie my loops small enough that you can't see through the hole in the middle... I think it looks stupid otherwise.
I think it helps balance a weighted one better, but if I tied one unweighted to use as an inchworm imitation I wouldn't use one. Not sure if it actually helps, it just seems so useless that some really smart dude must have figured out some complex reason why the loop should be there, otherwise it would have been done away with by now. :-D That's the best answer I got. 😛

I don't tie in the loop. I don't like the way it looks and I doubt it helps catch more fish. Also, the original Sinking Inchworms were tied without the loop. So that's the "classic" way to tie them.

The loop tail came later. And the beadhead addition came even later than that. They all catch fish of course.
Dear ryguyfi,

I tie the green weenie with the loop tail. I also tie them with a beadhead most of the time. Try them in red, they are called "red hots."

As far as the length of the pink worm, trout have no problem eating an earthworm or a nightcrawler so they have no problem eating an IPW.

In case anyone is wondering, I've never had one "swallow" the IPW and wind up gut hooked. It's a great fly and one that I won't go fishing without.

Tim Murphy 🙂