Green stoneflies



May 28, 2013
I did manage to get out the other day and saw some sporadic little yellow and green stoneflies hatches. They are typically a size 16, maybe a 14. I saw a fly that looked just like a little green stonefly but it was a size 12 (close to the body length of a march brown). Any idea what that might have been? I tried to take a picture, but couldn't catch one.
My guess would be an Isoperla (Yellow Sally) that tends more to the green color tone. These stoneflies are common, emerge around now, and typically about an inch in length.
I've seen and fished with yellow sallys numerous times. The yellow and green stoneflies are one of the best hatches on the stream I fish a lot. This fly was much bigger than them. And it was bright green. I seen some tonight, but couldn't get a picture again.
I call them Green Sallys but they might not be any different then the yellows just with a green color. Definitely a chartreuse green color and fish love them! Easy to see fly on the water too!
And they can be and seem quite large. May I recommend the lime trude?
As many times that I have fished the yellow and green sally hatch I haven't seen one that big before. The colors were the same, some of them were just much larger. I thought maybe they were something different.
Some sallies (Isoperla) are pretty big.



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I had one of the large size Lime Stoneflies land on me last Tues on Kettle. Only saw one in size 12. All of the others were size 16