green lane reservoir boat quarantine?



May 10, 2013
Hey guys I live about 20 minutes from green lane and have shore fished it several times like last week and have caught good bass, although green lane is a huge lake but the boat rental is closed during the prespawn season, my dad and I have a boat and were wondering if it would be worth quarantining it there I was talking to one guy who had his boat quarantined and he pulled in a 5 lber and its 75 bucks the whole year seems like a good deal?
Big lake...small traffic and lightly fished because of the boat quarantine.

If you have a boat to spare, give it a try leaving it there for the season. It may work out for you since you live so close and should get a lot of fishing time on the lake.

Why are boats quarantined there?
JackM wrote:
Why are boats quarantined there?

GL is a drinking water reservoir for Philly and burbs. The boat quarantine was put into place around 20 years ago because of zebra mussels (if I recall correctly).

Aqua American now owns it and is not very user friendly by many accounts.

Here is a brief article related to fishing and the PFBC.

afishinado is right there was zebra mussels reported there many years ago which I believe was the reason they stopped stocking for muskie and pike but I personally believe there are a few still in the lake
Kenbo there is a few below the lake for sure, hooked a pike on the perky downstream from deep creek two weeks ago on a rapala lure.

I got no problem with this as its a drinking source like stated. It kinda sucks it extends to tribs too. We used to boat the perky from the legion down to the FFO section, as far as I know that is no longer allowed becuase of this quarantine.

Must have went up, I docked there about 5 years ago and it was in the 50 buck range.
If I lived close enough and could fish it several times a month, I would definitely do it for $75 per year. I have always done very well with bass, crappie, and channel catfish at Green Lane (all with spinning gear, never took the fly rod). There are some really nice bass in there and lots of decent structure for both bass and crappie. Haven't fished it in 2 years due to the boat rental price increase, but I doubt the fishing has declined any.
I live a few blocks away from GL Res. It is worth it. I really only spin fish for the Bass there. $75 for Montgomery County residents and $150 for out side counties. You need an electric motor in my opinion because the wind seems to pick up every day at around 10:am. Sometimes a good wind and paddling a canoe is tough getting back.
There is a down side. You must be off the water at dusk, so just when the evening bite is starting, you need to start heading back to the ramp and be off the water. Electric motors aren't that fast.
They lock the gates and don't like being late. They will pull your card as a late penalty and I believe there is a fee also.
I only launch in the morning.
The boat rental has been taken over by a private vendor and the prices are very high now. Can't remember the cost, but do remember I was amazed at the difference.
That's sad to hear. I used to rent those flat bottom boats from time to time. Back then I think it was less than 10 bucks for like 4 hours or so.

I still wanna sneak down there and throw something heavy down to the bottom of the dam.(usptream side)

Back in high school I remember kids talking about fishing the bottom of the dam(downstream side) and catching huge frickin trout. They probably call in the national guard if ya tried that now.
I used to fish it many years ago and it was always good bass fishing in there if you knew where to find them. The crappie and perch can keep kids occupied too. $75 seems a bit steep, but you have plenty of lake to yourself most days.

It's still good. I got a spin fishing buddy that has a boat docked and fishes it at least twice a week. He gets bass pretty good every time he goes out.
That's sad to hear. I used to rent those flat bottom boats from time to time. Back then I think it was less than 10 bucks for like 4 hours or so.

I still wanna sneak down there and throw something heavy down to the bottom of the dam.(usptream side)

Back in high school I remember kids talking about fishing the bottom of the dam(downstream side) and catching huge frickin trout. They probably call in the national guard if ya tried that now.

huge frickin trout is no joke below that dam, dont ask how i know.
I heard it's nothing compared to the toothy beasts the divers used to see when inspecting the dam. Heard some of em got so scared they refused to dive there.
I wonder how close you are allowed to fish up to the bottom of the dam. I think it's posted well downstream. we boated that not long ago, maybe 5 years or so. Put in a little upstream from rockwells and went down to the lower pond of deep creek lake.
I fished there in the eighties when I lived in Montgomery County. Caught some small mouth and channel cats but mostly crappies. It was a lot of fun. At the time it was too expensive if you were not a resident of Montgomery.
yea its posted heavily from the old train bridge upstream to the dam....
I believe that in this day and age with terrorism being a threat every where and the dam being a potential target that the posting is strictly enforced. Evidently a failure to the dam would put the population down stream under several feet of water. I am told that there are now cameras below the dam.
Yea that's what I heard too. Helicopters scrambled and all that. Guess it's mousin for browns after dark only ;) Kidding of course. Might try and get away with fishin it where the macoby meets up or something though.

Funny sidenote: I work in a print finishing shop local. I came into work today and my manager was running one of our smaller machines putting numbers on the rental slips for the green lane res boat rentals.
The good ol days.
Used to sneak up to that dam as a kid. Water comes out very cold and the would be a crap-ton of trout there. You could see them swimming into the shutes the water would come out of.
Plus big channels and pike.
I too would catch 5lb largemouth in the lake, but my buddy used to work there and we would go to the inaccessable section. :)
I'd never risk in now but just out of curiosity I often wonder what kind of astronomical fine they'd throw at you if they caught you just fishing down there. Kinda sad we now live in times like this.

Being of a younger generation I kinda wish I could have grown up hunting and fishing in like the 1950s.