Green Caddis slit foam flyboxes - good sale



Jul 2, 2011
Always wanted those chic C&F flyboxes but would never spend that much of my own money on a stupid flybox.

Found a really good sale on waterproof boxes at a place called Ordered (3) 6.5" x 4" slit foam boxes for under $25 with shipping.

They got a lot of good customer reviews in comparison to the expensive ones...tired of the crappy foam Morrell boxes rusting out my flies.

If anyone has boxes from these guys, how do you like em?

If you don't, well, at those prices, it's worth giving them a look.
i have some and wouldn't hesitate buying more... good quality boxes

I also have some of the scissors and really like them
One thing to remember aboot waterproof boxes is that not only do they keep keep water out they also keep water in. Avoid putting wet flies back into the box and if you happen to get the box wet lay it out in the sun while open to dry out.