Greatful Dad and Happy Kids



Jan 9, 2012
Well I took my 2 kids to the local stream this morning to do some fishing and boy was i glad I did. As a kid i never went trout fishing because my father hated trout fishing because of the crowds. Well I pretty much feel the same way but I layed in bed last night and thought i'll give it a shot. So we got to the stream at 9 am and I thought this isn't to bad there were only 3 other anglers there. So we headed as far away from everyone as possible because my boy (2yr old) loves throwing rocks in the water(I swear its a sickness) and I didnt wanna bother the other anglers. So we got the rods rigged and baited. Yes I said baited because I was with the kids. Because I was helping my son my daughter(8yr old) was on her own. After about 10 mins my son started to eye up some rocks so I did everything I could to keep his attention on the task at hand but I was loosing the battle when my daughter caught her first trout ever. Well that was all my son needed, now he was all fired up. Well after about 10 more min of casting he started loosing focus again when he caught one. He was so excited! He kept yelling I got a fish! I got a fish! I GOT A FISH!! After he caught his fish everytime I told him to reel he would yell I GOT A FISH. It wasnt long till everyone was fishing in the little hole we were in. And I thought great my daughter is gonna have trouble casting with all this extra traffic in the water. Well it wasnt long till my fears came true and she put her rod down and she said im gonna take a break. Well I started getting pissed as more and more guys parked right in front of us. Well after about 15 min of no bites the guys started leaving one buy one after another 10 min we had the hole to ourselves again. By this time my son lost all intrest and my daughter wasnt all into it so I told her to go to the truck and get the fly rod. Her eys lit up and she RAN to the truck. While she was gone I sat there think we only have about 15min left before my son is off running thru the woods so we better make this count. Well I tied on a wolley bugger that my daughter tied at the Bass Pro fly tying class this past winter. After about 5 min and a dozen casts she had her first trout on a fly. She was so excited! After some crying and LOTS of smiles and a few pictures she released the fish and was back at it. About 5 casts later she had anouher one. Im thinking this is great then I looked up and wouldn't you know it here they come agaim. It was like somone rang the dinner bell. My daughter looked up at me and said it's ok daddy we had our fun. She must have known I was gonna go off on somebody. So we packed up and as we walked by about 10 guys she said good luck to everyone of them. Which put a smile on my face and made me proud. On the way home I got to thinking how lucky I am to have such great kids.


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Beautiful! Can't wait til my kids can FF with me!
Beautiful kids and you're a great Dad.
Great pictures. It is always nice to see kids fishing and having fun in the outdoors. Quality time together you will always remember.
Thanks for sharing it with us.

Great job, love the smiles on your kids faces, always enjoy seeing kids in action.


Great post and love the pictures of the smiles on the faces of your kids!

This is what it is all about.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made my day. Great job!!!!
Nice photos, your daughter should become a politician. Grown men moving in on kids territory should be illegal.
Agreed. I freaking hate rude sportsmen. I had an encounter yesterday with 3 18 year old boys that left a sour taste in my mouth. Drives me nuts...Although, 3 18 year old clowns giving me(24 yr old) crap is nowhere near as disgraceful as guys encroaching on children under the age of ten.