Great weekend at Harman's!



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
I was the lucky recipient of the free 2 night stay at Harman's this past weekend that was given away in the Shop talk forum. My wife, kids and I had a great weekend there. It was a bit of a drive for us but the accommodations were worth it. Each cabin had a hot tub and nice fireplace. We had 2 rooms, one with a king, and one with a queen bed. They just did some updates to our room the week before and there was new furniture and a few other fixes to our cottage. It was great to see them reinvesting back into their property, goes to show they really care about how their cottages look and how happy the visitors are. There's a great view right outside the cabins.


We got in late and went to bed soon after arriving. Minus our kids not sleeping well in a new place we really had a good time. We woke up and had a nice visitor of a bald eagle crashing into the water right outside our room looking for his breakfast. We didn't get the camera out quick enough for a picture though. We hung out for the morning by the fire and playing games and took a small walk around the campground.



When the kids took a nap I suited up and went out to fish for a few hours. They privately stock the stream that they own which is around 1.5 miles. I found a nice stretch of water a little bit upstream and landed 8 fish in a little over an hour. It was some really easy fishing and nice to see such large fish. I may have landed a small one that taped out at 15". I got to get some time in with my Ichthus reel as well as testing out a new rod blank which performed really great.


I then headed back and saw my daughter and wife throwing rocks into the stream.


I decided to show my daughter how I catch fish and hit a small run just 30 yards from the front door of our cabin.


I missed 2 strikes but pulled in another nice rainbow about 3 minutes after my first cast. My daughter was excited to see the fish!



We spent the night hanging out by the fireplace again and enjoyed the hot tub after the kids kind of fell asleep.

The morning we checked out we drove about a half mile down the road to the Smoke Hole Caverns. We took the tour and had a nice guide show us through the caverns and talk about it's history. It actually has the largest ribbon stalagtite in the world there.



We had a great visit and plan to return sometime down the road.

Thanks again to Todd and all of those who work at Harman's for the great weekend! If you're interested in a nice weekend away not too far from home check them out. They have the banner ad to the right of every page and offer a 5% discount to all paff members. I highly recommend them!

Looks like a good time. Even better that you got to do it with your family.
Looks like a great time, glad you had a good weekend.
Good karma for all the holiday give aways from Risen! Looks like you vuys had a blast!
Nice review! We've been there twice and are booked again for April this year. counting down the days!
What a wonderful report!
Very nice Ry!
Nice writeup Ryan. You should get a fishing hat that matches the kids.
My wife actually makes those hats. She sells all kinds of stuff. It's funny, we both have our "old people" hobbies. She knits and crotchets and I tie flies.
Thats cool my mom has been doing needlepoint as long as I've been around. Thinking about maybe trying to organize a trip down to Harman's sometime this year
Nice report Ryan! I love it down there. Did you happen to see any other fishermen, or did you have the place to yourself?
Nice pics. I gotta get down there again. I was down in September and there were several others fishing in the section I was at. Only walked maybe 150 yards and caught close to 20 smallest maybe 15". I saw one other person catch a trout during my two days. They were all dedicated to catching them on dries to no avail. Great time down there.
Saw 2 other guys there fishing. They were taking eggs like all rainbows do, but were eating like they'd never had a meal before. Just not stop action.
Nice write up and photos!
Nice writeup and nice report. How did you win this trip?
Harman's posted the giveaway in the shop talk forum and picked the winner out of the replys