Great Sunday AM on the YB



Nov 13, 2006
What a great weekend this past was to fish. I went out this Sunday morning with my wife and had a wonderful morning on the YB. We met a nice morning sun with a slight chill in the air but overall perfect conditions. When we reached the creek the sun was just reaching the water. We saw an Osprey flying overhead and I noticed the pair of Geese on the small island have finally hatched their brood of 6 Gooslings. Many flies were in the air with just enough Caddis to create some rising fish. I tried to play the guide roll a bit and was excited to have my wife hook up in a short while with a nice Brownie using one of my EHC Emergers. It was great seeing how excited she was. By the end of the morning my wife had caught 4 nice trout on dry flies. A great day overall.... oh and I caught a dozen or so myself... :)

Bill A