Grannom Pupa



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
For those who fish the Grannom's


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I'll take 2 dozen

Very nice. What is the body material?
Not house material, its a relative to tyvek. I custom dye it. and have it cut to size. right now its 1/16 in wide.
Nice fly!!
Man, I look at a tie like that and all I can think is " I have sooooo mcuh to learn"

Very Nice! I've been looking for a good grannom pattern to emulate.
here's the apple caddis
its a easy tie really.little info from jerry hadden;
Fishing a pupa imitation during a B. appalachia emergence seems to be somewhat of a mystery. More than one experienced angler has questioned the fact that with so many naturals hatching why isn't fishing a pupa imitation more productive? While other caddis are emerging drifting a pupa just under the surface or in the surface film produce fish consistantly, but during this hatch produce very few. Almost ever fly fisher I've talked to has expressed the fact that fishing a pupa during a B. appalachia in the surface film produces very few fish. However fishing them deep especilly mornings prior to the hatch produces consistantly. The answer comes with looking at the insects habits. Before hatching B. appalachia will become active by attaching silk thread to the substrait, from which they hang suspended near the the river bottom. This seems to accure in the morning qiute sometime prior to the actual hatch activity.


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Nice flies! I too have had inconsistent results with an apple caddis pupa...better results with a spent pattern later in day. The material you use for the body is really interesting.
I love the body on those Grannoms
Beautiful rendition of Brachycentrus numerosa. The Beaverkill has an amazing emergence of these caddis flies. They emerge in what I call "waves". You'll see a blizzard of adults emerging and flying upstream for about 5 - 10 minutes. Then there will be a flat period, or lull, for up to an hour then another wave will emerge and start flying upriver.

If the West Branch has these caddis I'm never there when they emerge. But it does have stellar emergences of Brachycentrus appalachia (Apple Caddis) and many large browns will rise, or boil, during this emergence. In my experience most fish are boiling to pupa swimming up in the water column and are either in a drift or about to break through the surface tension.

I fish an adult but trail it with a pupal form. Most fish are hooked on the pupa. I couldn't get the right light on the adult but if anyone wants the recipe just PM me.


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Nice flies WB. I like that first emerger pattern.

That is modeled after a LaFontaine Emergent Pupa. You can fish it as an emerged adult on the surface or you can put a little "B" split shot on the tippet and cast across and let it sink and swing and then hand twist it back. I get many takes on the slow twist retrieve.

I was going to ask if anyone used a brighter green version. I've had decent success nymphing with a bright green larva in a 16-ish size. Usually better before the hatch is full blown. Shane, that lafontane pattern is solid. Brandon had two fish straighten his hooks in the same pool. We stalked them and ran 3-4 patterns over the fish with zero response. 1 cast with the pupa got a take. Too bad we only had 2 in the fly box or it might have been a banner day.
Isn't that always the case? Figure out the pattern they prefer and you only have 1, to lose it right away.
I tie garys patterns most times for the pupas. here the apple size 11.


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"Isn't that always the case? Figure out the pattern they prefer and you only have 1, to lose it right away."

I used to be in the same boat but now I never let that happen. I tie entire boxes of all the mayflies and some of the caddis flies I expect to see in the Catskills.


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