Got into it on the steam yesterday



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Got a little to close to this goose yesterday- that goose was none to happy about it either.

Got hissed at then the goose swam down stream and put in a show flapping its wings.

Wonder if it’s the same technique a grouse would use when you come upon their chicks where they try to distract you away from the babies.

Also caught the “skunk” too yesterday but better than isolating in the family room all day water was a little high and dirty as you would expect.



Yeah, pretty classic behavior for a goose around its nest.

Swans are even worse at protecting their nests. Had a pair on a golf course I worked at as a kid. When they were on their nest with eggs, wide left of the fairway on #9 might as well have been OB.
If you didn't have them chasing were lucky.

Did you bring some bacon? Looks like a basket of breakfast.
You found the Easter basket.
swattie said: "Swans are even worse at protecting their nests"

Once when I was canoeing on Westtown Lake (checking out the year's crop of bass and sunnies), there was a swan nest across from the Lakehouse. He was very vocal about his duties and when some kids in a red canoe got too close, he overturned it. I was in a blue canoe and kept on ffishing, humming loudly and not making eye contact. I was able to keep catching the fishies and he gave up attacking me.
I also have found that eye contact really pisses geese and ducks off.

If I look at them, especially with sunglasses (which I assume look like BIG eyes) ducks freeze and geese get aggressive.

If I turn my back to them when I move towards them or want them to swim past; or look as far away as I can as I walk by, (without tripping over something), I have less problems.

BTW - Many thousands of years ago while fishing and camping in the Carlisle area during some serious flooding, we harvested some goose eggs from flooded nests for breakfast...


Love eggs and bacon- have it most everyday for breakfast with several slices of wheat toast.

Never had a goose egg, sound good.

Instead of skunked, shoulda said I got a goose egg. Ha ha ha

Amazing how tough and fearless animals are- swans are angry suckers.

Had countless run ins with animals while fishing, always keeps things interesting.
It must be that I'm a short guy and they don't see me as much of a threat. I have not had any problem with ducks or geese. "Knock on graphite".