


Active member
Mar 25, 2013
I purchased a GoPro about a month ago, mostly in anticipation of my recent trip to Alberta. I've been a fairly dedicated DSLR user for years. I shoot in RAW and edit in Lightroom. Leaving my Nikon and lenses at home was a sacrifice but we were traveling light and I don't generally carry the bigger camera while actually fishing anyway. I have a good waterproof case for a smartphone which works well but you can only use the case specific app and controls are limited what the app can do with the four buttons on the case. It is well thought out and takes decent photos but is a little clunky to use.

I looked hard at the Olympus TG-6. The biggest selling point of the GoPro to me was its ability to grab video frames for stills. I'm not really into taking or editing video but I used the GoPro nearly exclusively in video mode. One button push on the top of the GoPro will start recording video. After that there is no need to time and compose a shot as you would with a regular camera or many smartphones. This is fantastic for the sake of the fish. As long as you keep the shot framed to some extent during handling of the fish, you are likely to have several good stills you can grab from the video. Could I get all the same shots with another camera? Yes, but it would take a lot more fish handling time.

The GoPro Qwik App easily transfers the photos to your phone/tablet/etc without any cables. One caveat is that many smartphones cannot handle the video from the GoPro at highest resolution. You'll need a device that can in order to grab photos from the video. I used my Pixel tablet which had no problems. I also used the camera app on the tablet to crop and adjust the photos. It can't do everything that I can do with Lightroom on my PC but it works pretty well.

When I have some time, I'll probable mess around with some of the video of underwater releases but this camera's main purpose for me is grabbing stills.

I'll post a few photos here but more can be seen on the thread about my Alberta trip.

Alberta Trip



Thanks. There's a write up with lots of photos in the "Fly Fishing Locations" sub forum. The link in blue above the photos should take you there.
Outstanding pictures!
I have a TG-5 and your GoPro pics are superior