Good news or nut case?



Active member
Apr 1, 2009
If you want to see some wild shiz...........go to you tube and type in the name Dr. Steven Greer. It would be great if this is for real.......why do i have such a hard time with this? WOW!!!!
I Googled Greer and he's into UFOs, aliens etc.

This should be moved from the Conservation forum to the OT forum.
TROUT BERT......I'm talking about the cold fusion free energy part. I think that applie3s to conservation,
Yea it would... if what he said was true.

Whoever moved this from the conservation thread .......did you read what his issue is ? I8T'S ABOUT FREE ENERGY THROUGH COLD FUSION , FREE ENERGY = CONSERVATION I SUGGEST YOU MOVE IT BACK!!!!
Mike, if it means that much to you, I'd resubmit it in that forum only with a different title.

Otherwise, my answer to your original title is "nut case."
Osprey, the original post was defective imo, in that it didn't provide a link or any hint as to what your point was. I don't think it is a big deal where this is posted. Although I didn't move it, I have to assume the moderator who did thought that overall it lacked merit in that forum.

Rather than start another thread, I will move this back. It isn't like the Conservation Forum is in danger of getting crowded.
I moved it earlier.

Oftentimes, it is best to use a title line that explains the topic. This helps with search function and is a simple courtesy to readers browsing the forum and looking for topics that interest them. It is a (small) pet peeve of mine to see a thread with a title like "Check this out!" or similar stuff because one needs to open the thread to see what it is about. It is even more irritating when, after opening the thread, one has to click on a link to see the story. I didn't take the time to click the link.....however, had the title, or at least the body of the thread, mentioned the topic I would have left it in Conservation.
Thanks Dave. See we aren't hard to get along with. :cool:
While the experiments on cold fusion are carried out by the same hacks, at least it has some feasible physics explanation, unlike perpetual motion machines and zero-point energy devices. I mean, it's not "supported" by current physics, in that a physicist wouldn't PREDICT it's possible. But it's not specifically outlawed either (whereas perpetual motion/unity and harnessing zp energy are impossible by the known laws of physics).

We know fusion would produce energy. The problem is that you have to have a way to make it fuse, typically lots of heat and pressure, like in the sun, i.e. "hot fusion". While none is currently known, it is somewhat feasible that the right catalyst, combined with the right set of elements, and the right type of energy input, could create fusion which produces more energy than it uses.

That said "hot fission" is a mature industry, and has the same or better energy density. If we were smart about things, it too could solve virtually all of our energy problems. We choose not to let it.

About the only advantage of "cold fusion", were it feasible, is the size of the device. If you could get it to work, it's possible you could put it in a fairly small package, small enough to power cars and airplanes, rather than just power plants and aircraft carriers.

So yeah, I'd like to see cold fusion. I do not believe it has been successfully done, or that anyone is all that close. The problem with this hack community is that they start with the conclusion, and want to "announce" results without going through proper scientific channels of peer-review and reproducability. Most of the time they are either hoaxes, or misunderstandings by well meaning but, frankly, bad researchers.
pKray..........The other brainiak Mishao Kaku..sp? agrees with Greer? I mean this stuff is way over my head but the idea of free energy is on a level i can work with.
I agree with Pat on this, but he obviously isn't very familiar with Greer's "work."

Greer claimes we have had to technology for years.

Here is the trailer.

I especially like the little alien that looks like he is part brussels sprout.
Farmer.......No !!!! WE DON'T we should but we don't. This guy is way too much he is going to end up dead hell i'm even nervous t5alkin about it.
pCray..........How can we call guys like those "hacks"??? My God these folks are DR$ .......... he gives up a job makin big bucks to stick his head out on the chopping block ......... to flaunt his knowledge of fraud in the face of these people......while pursuing his hobby??
osprey wrote:
pCray..........How can we call guys like those "hacks"??? My God these folks are DR$ .......... he gives up a job makin big bucks to stick his head out on the chopping block ......... to flaunt his knowledge of fraud in the face of these people......while pursuing his hobby??

He was an former ER doctor that probably stood too close to the ether for too long.

What makes you think that a former ER doctor would be more knowledgeable about these things than a metallurgist or electrical engineer?
osprey wrote:
Farmer.......No !!!! WE DON'T we should but we don't. This guy is way too much he is going to end up dead hell i'm even nervous t5alkin about it.

We don't what?

More likely he be turned into a shrunken Brussel Sprout head.
Believe it or not, this gentleman is most likely a flame for moths. He is controlled opposition. I have read and watched a decent amount of him. He once made an unequivocal claim that there are only good extraterrestrials-very bold indeed. Huge red flag. You know what they say about dealing in absolutes. Many other claims he has made and supported that cause great doubt.

Other so called conspiracy forums are actually run by big oil and gas. Private domain who is now, but they weren't always so careful in the beginning of the net. Big energy controls your thought process.

As for the "free energy", well, it is blatantly obvious that nuclear power is and was stifled by American gas and oil men. All you have to do is look at the world's billionaires list to see how relativity easy it is to buy acreage and extort your fellow Americans when the mercury plummets.

The direction that nuclear energy research has gone in is very telling. It is the closest thing we have to free energy that the Euro-inbreed banking cartel will not kill people for.

Those naval ships we have that don't need to be refueled for quite some time.....yeah....not running around the world on nat gas.
Dave.........I"m not taking down engineers or metallurgists , if this guy was one of those i would still be aware that he left a good job to pursue his hobby and i would be just as impressed by them.
I see. So, if I quit my job and decide to take this fly fishing thing seriously, you would consider me to be an authority on the subject?:lol:

Osprey, I'm just messing with you. It's what I do.

However, I would never consider hiring my MD to build any kind of power generating devices for me. Just sayin...

Just because a person is educated in one thing doesn't make him an expert in everything ... Afterall, he is not Al Gore or Barry O, and I am not the Nobel Prize committee.

BTW, Dennis Kucinich once saw a UFO, too.
OK, I finally see the conservation topic here.


They are hardly an endangered species, though. In fact their numbers seem to be increasing.

They seem to be thriving in the Internet habitat.