Go to flys



Nov 15, 2020
Maybe a variation on flies you don't fish. Do you have a go to fly and does it change? Two years ago it was, for me, a pheasant tail. Last year it was a blowtorch and this year it's sexy Walt's worm. Then again I believe that confidence in the fly has a lot to do with catching fish.
For nymphs, I have a few. Hare's ear, Prince Nymph, Green Weenie, and Pat's Rubber Legs see a lot of time in the water. For dries, parachute Adams and a parachute ant gets the nod.

If I had to have one confidence fly: woolly bugger.

Of course I fish lots of other patterns, too.
Articulated sculpin. If that doesn't work a McMurray ant, all that fails then it's time to go dredge the bottom with a PTN variant
Excluding what I use during a hatch...


Bead Head (BH) Prince nymph, BH Flash Back Gold Ribbed Hares Ear, Snipe & Purple soft hackle (SH), Partridge & Peacock SH, small green, white or brown BH caddis pupa, Pheasant Tail, Brassie and a few others if the first two don't work.

Dry flies:

Elk Wing Caddis (various colors), foam beetle, foam bee, foam inchworm, foam caterpillar, Griffith's Gnat Gnat & other small midges, Humpies, Blue Wind Olive thorax fly.
Lately, if I walk up to a stream and nothing is happening, I fish a parachute Adams on top and a Frenchie on bottom.

My other go-tos:

Nymphs - Prince / Formerly Known As, Pat's, Rainbow Warrior

Dries - Stimulator, Parachute BWO (especially in small sizes if I have concerns the Adams mentioned above is too big), small foam ant (if a fish is rising but refusing everything)

Streamers - black / olive Bugger, white Zonker

Yes, it does change as it slowly evolves over time.
Nymphs: PT (and its variations), Sow Bugs, France Fly

Drys: Elk Hair Caddis, Simple Sulfur Patterns, Ants & Beetles
Dry Fly: Royal Wulff, Adam's Apple (apple green or chartreuse Adams)

Nymph: Frenchie, Peacock perdigon

Wet: Red squirrel flymph, grouse and green soft hackle
Pink bead tan Walt’s Worm as top nymph and a Blow Torch below. I switch out to perdigons or other nymphs as needed, but they are my two confidence nymphs. If the trout are taking one way more often than the other, I will fish two of the same nymphs.
Nymphing- Green flash perdigon and Jack Daniel’s (not the whiskey) from Corey(Old Dominion Trout Bum).

Dry- Mike Mercer’s missing link
Not even close.... X-Caddis. Do also use a caddis emerger or rusty spinner like it was my job.

Nymph, prince. Floating nymph, DS Emerger
Usual go to's

Dries: Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Ant, Griffiths Gnat

Nymphs: pheasant tail, March brown, and woven golden stonefly

Streamers: Woolly Sculpin and a barely legal
The green flash Perdigon and Jack Daniel’s that Calico mentioned above are right up there for me as well. I also like the blue flash Perdigon that Scott from PA Woods and Water uses 👍
Adams. Bugger, EHC, caddis pupa, divisible. Usually fished in that order if I'm just prospecting.
Go to flies

- Yellow Maribou

Swinging 2 Wets
- Olive Woolly Bugger with either Royal Coachman or Flashy Dark Caddis wet depending on if the stream has more rainbows or browns.

- March Brown (more browns) or Prince (more rainbows)

Dry Fly
- Caddis But I don’t think Caddis are doing that well right now in the streams I fish.
- Royal Coachman
Size 4 white Clouser with silver flash .