Go Cam



New member
Jun 1, 2011
Do any of you guys have experience with the Hero 3 Go Cam. I've read some really good reviews but also some that say that the camera sucks. It would be really cool to body mount the camera to film while fly fishing.
I think there's a site called helmetcam or something like that. They really breakdown the field of vision, battery life, ease of use, software features, etc. You can pick up some good info on there or end up like me....confused and skipping that idea for now.
I just got on flydoc,

Let me make a suggestion and buy the screen back. It attaches right to the camera. It is a 79 dollar accessory unfortunately but it makes a difference so you can see what you are taking a picture of. I haven't done any films yet but that is the plan. I got a headstrap as well.
I have a hero 3. I have only used it with the chest mount(put the head one on for 2 seconds and immediately took it off). Gotta say, the picture quality is as good as i thought it would be. Something to consider, and something I am considering right now, is th eneed for extra batteries/the battery pak. 2 hours at max settings is not a long time.
A lot of people that say the camera isn't good are people who are using DSLR cameras for pictures. The quality can't compare to that, but they aren't bad pictures.
Yeah, I have only taken like 2 stills. I have used it for video purposes, and its stellar. Sound isnt half bad with the waterproof case on. If you take 90% stills and 10% video then I would much rather have a shockproof camera. I wouldnt get the hero3 and use it for mostly still photography.
My still pics have been hit or miss. The ones that turn out good are amazing and the ones that don't are terrible. Now that I have the back screen it should be more consistent.
In reading the reviews, a lot of people complain that the camera freezes up and they have to re-boot it by taking the battery out. Have you had any such problems?
My buddy just got one recently, first trip and it happened, he had to go and reboot it and everything, he said it works now though
Here is an alternative camera that reportedly stacks up very well against the GoPro.

ContourROAM 1080p Camcorder

I meant to post it yesterday when it was $99. As with most things on Amazon, the pricing is dynamic and changes with sales volume. So you may be able to get it cheaper when sales fall off for this item. It is currently selling well because someone posted it on Fatwallet.com when it was $99 and it surged sales which surges price.

The reviews for the camera are quite good, with some folks owning both GoPro and this unit for direct comparison. Accessories appear to be a lot less for Contour.
I have an older version of the Contour and like it. It takes pretty darn good video but has no means for taking photos. I use my smartphone for those. Unless you're catching fish of a lifetime many, many times, you'll probably end up like I do, with hours of beautiful stream footage, but probably not catching the fish you caught on camera. I have a number of memorable fish on video, though, and a number of misses as well. I like that the new crop of cameras (GoPro or Contour) have the ability to interface with a smartphone app - gives you the opportunity to view what's going on if you want.

I don't know what the battery life on the Roam is, but it has a fixed battery, so plan to have either a portable USB battery charging pack, or multiple cameras if you want to film a longer trip. I have three batteries for my ContourHD and they last between two and three hours each.
There is also this for $40.

Just shot my first flyfishing video with the GoPRo. The picture quality was outstanding. What do people use for movie editing software....free or very cheap would be adequate for me?
Certain versions of Windows 7 and 8 both include a basic video editing program and DVD publishing tool.

Other alternatives, PM sent.
GoPro Hero $129.99 at Best Buy

I have an original GoPro Hero, not the new version, I consider it more of a toy than a serious camera. I'm very much into photography and normally shoot with a Canon, which I own 3 of.
IMO there is no comparison, the GoPro people made a nice housing and accessories but they skimped on the lens, without very good light your quality suffers greatly, also there is a fisheye effect which I guess can be corrected with another lens attachment, but why would that be necessary in the first place.

On the other hand I've read many good reviews on the Hero 3, maybe they improved the glass on the newer one.

As far as editing is concerned, I believe my GoPro videos come out in quicktime format, not compatible with Windows Movie Maker, I tried several converting programs but the quality always seems to suffer. I also downloaded several editing programs but I am now convinced you need to purchase software if you're really going to get into it.

Sony Vegas seems like the best out there now, you can do plenty with it although the learning curve seems a bit steep and I'm not at all computer shy. The prices on software has gone down a lot in the past couple of years, now you can get good quality video editing software for around $30, not too long ago they cost in the hundreds, competition must've driven the prices down.