
I remember the good ole days of breaking up ice over a good hunting hole and catching trout. Now that I’m older I have gotten softer. I’m a fair weather fisherman these days. I have no glove recommendations as I have no experience. This comment will be 20 seconds of your life that you can’t get back. Apologies in advance 😂.
Gloves seemed to mess me up when I tried them. A good coat with warm pockets and some hand warmers did the trick for me. This only works if you can cast with both hands (warm one while the other fights the elements). Good luck during the chilly season!
Time is a factor too. When it is cold I fish less. 45 and above, can fish all day without gloves. Down to about 35, maybe an hour or two. 20, maybe 1/2 hour. If it is 10-15 I am wearing gloves all the time. Back in the day tenkara was good for those 10 degree days. I used a collapsible pole and rigged up at home. Wore gloves all the time, extended the pole and went fishing. If flies broke off I collapsed the pole and went home. Gloves never came off. Tying flies on at 20 or below is a PITA. Fortunately winters haven't been so cold the last few years.
I rub vaseline on my hands and then use a nitrate glove. O really cold days fishing steelhead mostly I also use gasoline on my feet.
As a surf fisherman, I have used Glacier Gloves for a while now. I also own the fingerless Orvis for winter trout fishing. Both work well. Glacier has velcro tabs and that hold back the fingers not unlike the Simms mittens. You can still tie without taking them off, but line is going to catch if you leave the fingers folded back...

Based on a recommendation from a surf guy, I bought a bulk pack of Gorilla Grip work gloves, which are very thin. I tried them out yesterday on a warm day, and I would probably save my money (even though they were cheap) next time.

If you keep them dry, they can work in a pinch. But the whole point for surf fishing is that you constantly get wet, so these gloves retain their grip.

As a surf fisherman, I have used Glacier Gloves for a while now. I also own the fingerless Orvis for winter trout fishing. Both work well. Glacier has velcro tabs and that hold back the fingers not unlike the Simms mittens. You can still tie without taking them off, but line is going to catch if you leave the fingers folded back...

Based on a recommendation from a surf guy, I bought a bulk pack of Gorilla Grip work gloves, which are very thin. I tried them out yesterday on a warm day, and I would probably save my money (even though they were cheap) next time.

If you keep them dry, they can work in a pinch. But the whole point for surf fishing is that you constantly get wet, so these gloves retain their grip.

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So would you buy the Gorilla or glacier