Glamping anyone?



Jan 22, 2007
that makes me want to get in the jeep and deposit about 25 snickers bars under each down stuffed mattress!!!
I feel sorry for them, but much, much more sorry for the poor kid. :-(

Now I know what my camping trips have been missing, Duggan the butler. I think I could use scouts as well. Wake me up when the fish are rising.
Don't count the kid out just yet, afterall, he did make the suggestion to his parents to go fly fishing in Montana.

That's just brutal though. One of the things I enjoy about camping is getting away from all of the modern conveniences...cell phones and laptops included. Then the simple things seem so much better when you get back.
One can only hope for their child but he very well could be the next member of SRC. Just get mom & pops to fork over the 90k and he's in. Just a different breed of people that I don't understand very well.
Good, God! Somehow, I can't see anyone I fish with, being too excited about..... rising at dawn, pulling on wet waders, (wet,inside and ice cold), from the day before.............. only to step out of the tent and see Parasite Hilton,stinging up their 9' for them!!??
After the rod is all set up, (incorrectly, of course!), we can turn to Lindsay Lowlife, sitting on her leather covered stump, nearby, to pick out our day's selection of flies to use!
Now, granted......... there are times, on certain slow days, where having someone nearby to poor me up "a double-with 2 olives and a twist", while I change tippets would be rather pleasant. But, I think only once, then I'll go back to the black tar in my thermos, thanks.
Unfortunately, this article is pretty accurate in the fact that "this style is catching on", because more and more, when I'm out fishing I see these $75,000.00 "Off Road SUVs", along side a body of water, and when the doors open, out step 2-3 people looking like they were caught in an Orvis shop explosion, or dipped in glue and drug head first, through an L.L. Bean Outlet store!?!
"Good Morning, Lindsay! I see, by the powdered sugar on your nose, that the chef is serving fresh made powdered sugar donuts for breakfast this morning too?"
"Oh! He's not? Sorry, Lin's my mistake! Thanks for the flies, though!
My god! Looks like America is all set for a second gilded age.
Unbelievable. Talk about taking all of the fun out of camping! God forbid someone go on a hike and see the same scenery twice, or perhaps only see a couple of Elk. "Duggan, go rustle up a couple of bear cubs for the kids to play with." Makes me realize that there are more people than I ever imagined making way way more money than I ever will!
Good Grief Charlie Brown!
Makes me want to pack up and move to New Zealand. What is our country comming to? Glamping.
So what if smoking hot heavily breathing cute , skimply clad ladies (guides) were part of the package??
Not everyone enjoys fishing with a stiff pole. See the bamboo rod discussion. Many apparently enjoy fishing with soft rods.
That could be a reality if you have enough ching. I certainly have heard about the naked beer cart girls on the golf course.
Jack: Could be fun, heck I may even do a little of that "nymph" fishing
Padraic wrote:
My god! Looks like America is all set for a second gilded age.

Wow, that really make me sick! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little, mainly because that woman's name was Gigi.

What is truly disturbing is that these are the types of people who buy huge houses in Missoula MT or Jackson Hole and then gate all the "common folk" out. They then proceed to use their "Montana cabins" once a year for a week to "rough it." This makes me scared for what will be left of America when my grandkids are around.
Well the rift between thems what got and the rest of us is growing all the time. Excesses like this are becoming more commonplace. This one just looks more like the old days of the Robber barons going on safari than most. Linen table cloths and sherry in the evenings after a strenous day of shooting animals tied to trees by the "ghillies". Or in this case, posing next to the trout the guides catch for you.
When I lived in Montana I spent many nites sleeping in vehicle but only once in a tent.
It was a Sat. nite in Oct. and I wanted to be on top of a mountain for the opening of big game season,the next morning.Got off work at 3,rushed home ,ate ,grabbed my gear and drove the 50 some miles to the Ponies.Climbed to the top of about 7500 foot mountain[started at about 5500],pitched tent and climbed in my sleeping bag just as it got dark.Brilliant idea and I was sure I would nail trophy buck first thing in the morning.
Problem was it was a cheap plastic tent,called an emergency one.In my haste to get set up by dark I had pitched it on a slight down hill slope.The condensation from my breath and body caused a miniature rainfall inside my shelter and I kept sliding out the damned tent all nite long.
I bet I have fonder memories of that crazy nite than the glammers ever will.No Buck,did get a fat doe,down by my car.
For those of you, interested in the "partaking of Glamping"........ or something close to it, we still have, here on the Oregon coast, "Bait Girls" on many charter boats, that go out for Salmon, Kings, Silvers and Bottom fish. These "ladies" not only bait your hooks with herring, serve you, your beer and sandwiches, while out at sea..........they also do it all, while "topless". (The "bottoms" are "thongs" as a rule)
Save your coppers, though! "Regular chartered trips", which means "Gus Gizzard, baits your herring for you through a cloud of cigar and diesel fumes, run around $65 to $75.00, per rod, per 1/2 day's fishing. (6 to 7 hours).The "Bait Girls" charter out for around $225.00 to $300.00, per rod, per 5 hour trip!!
flybinder wrote:
For those of you, interested in the "partaking of Glamping"........ or something close to it, we still have, here on the Oregon coast, "Bait Girls" on many charter boats, that go out for Salmon, Kings, Silvers and Bottom fish. These "ladies" not only bait your hooks with herring, serve you, your beer and sandwiches, while out at sea..........they also do it all, while "topless". (The "bottoms" are "thongs" as a rule)
Save your coppers, though! "Regular chartered trips", which means "Gus Gizzard, baits your herring for you through a cloud of cigar and diesel fumes, run around $65 to $75.00, per rod, per 1/2 day's fishing. (6 to 7 hours).The "Bait Girls" charter out for around $225.00 to $300.00, per rod, per 5 hour trip!!

I must be getting old.... my first reaction was; I hope they wash their hands before serving the sandwiches.